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tried a car of Weyerhaeuser's famous end-matched, trade-marked Hemlock fooring you have not yet discovered what really wonderful softwood fooring is.
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Everyonc connected with thc building indurtry knowr the guality, and Gconomy, thc anpcrior servicc that charactcrizcr thc Hipolito Stock Sizc Scrcqrr and Scrocn Doore.
Whcn an articlc ir manufracturcd with thc carc and urcr the quality of matcdals tlret chancterizc our prodirc$ there arc good rcaronr rvhy it rhould rcach the lcadcrrrhip and acceptancq in the trade that har comc to our linc, Our rtandardi of quality will alwaye bc improvcd, ncver lowcrcd." l