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f)on't Rislt, Your Goodwill
accomplished for Hoo-Hoo through the new organization. Mr. l,eMaster said that the Hoo-Hoo members in the Fresno District wanted to form,a club and that a Fresno club would be organized at an early date. Frank Trower, was called on by President Hiscox, to intnoduce his friend Bob Neighbor, Pacific Coast Manager of the Atkins Saw Co., of Portland. Mr. Trower stated that Bob Neighbor was a past member of the Supreme Nine and paid him a very fine compliment for his loyalty and the good' work that he had accomplished for the order. Mr. Neighbor gave a very pleasant talk on the rvork that was being accomplished by the several Hoo-Hoo clubs throughout the oountry, and also said a few words forthe shingle induStry and the shingle manufacturers of the Northwest.
Parson Simpkin, the speaker of the day, was then introduced by President Hiscox. He gave an excellent account of the work that was being done by the three big Hoo-Hoo Clubs in the country; Minneapolis, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, and the work that they were accomplishing along social, educational, and public service. The Parson then gave a short talk on his two weeks trip to the Red River Lumber Co., Westwood; Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, and the Hutchinson Lumber Co., Oroville. While at Westwood. a concatenation was held at which 35 Kittens were initiated and were reinstated. Chester Priest, Auditor of the Red River Lumber Co. was Snark at the concatenation. At the conclusion of the initiation. a banquet was served to the gathering as guests of the Red River Lumber Co. At their meeting; .it was voted to organize the Paul Bunyan Hoo-Hoo Club, to ask for a new Hoo-Hoo district, and to hold a concat in February.
There is no profit in selling roofing that.:will not give the maximum in service and satisfaction.
If you do-you're going to lostsnot:one customer, but a whole congregation. 'i When.a roof "goes bad," aside from the'expense of re-roofing, there are often other evil consequenceshundreds of dollare damage to interior decorations, discolbred ceilings, walls and the cost of repairs. .ri Your ex-customer will talk about it till Doomsday.
You don't want avertising of that qort. Don't run the risk; aell : which is immune to rot and weatherJefinitely guaranteed to keep your customer'g roof weather-tight for years.