2 minute read
Southern California Association Votes To Join State Body
At the Annual Convention of the Southern Californ'ia Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, held at Long Beach on Saturday, November 77th, it was decided -by vote of the memberi that this association would take favorable action on the invitation extended by the directors of the State Retail Association, that the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association combine with the California Retail Lum,berm€ns' Association.
This convention was the largest, and in the opinion of ,manv of the rhembers. the best that has been held by this bodv. The meeting was called to order at 10:30 Saturday, by idr. E. A. Fickfng, president, who welcomed the memblrs on behalf of the city of L,on-g Beach, and expressed his desire for an enthusiastic business sessi'on. - fi. Fickling first'introrluced Mr.-Sam'T. Hayward..o{ the Hayward Lumber & Invest'ment Company, Los Angeles li'ho-talked on "Costs." He brought out a great many points, pertinent to the successful conduct of a retail lurrLer business, and especially stressed on the importance -of a dealer to know what profits he is making from month to m,onth. He sa1's that the average dealer does not know until after his annual inventory whether he has'been operating at a profit'or a loss. Mr. Hayward also stated that he considered 10 per cent net to be fair return for a retailer to average.
Mr. G. F. Huff, secretary of the Building Material Dealers, of San Diego made a short talk on Association work, and introduced Mr. F. A. Kelly, of San Diego who told further of the good work that had been done by the yards in San Diego through co,operation and organization.
The morning session was adjourned at 11:30, for the boat trip, lu.ncheon an'cl inspection of the Los Angeles Lumber Products Company plant.
This affair was enjoyed by over two hundred .members and guests, and an aicount and picture of the party will be found on another page in this issue.
The afternoon qession was delayed until 5 p' *., on account of the late return of the majority of the 'm'embers and was necessarily a short meeting.
They were called to order by the president, who introduced Mr. F. N. Gibbs, of Anaheim.
Mr. A. R. Wastell, manager of the California Retail Lunrbermen's Association was asked for a few remarks, and he respon'ded with the thanks of their entire organization-for-the wonderful support given their recent convention held at San Francisco. He extended greetings from the State Association and their wishes for a suCcessful meeting.
Mr. Gibbs read, and asked permission of the meeting to introduce the following resoluiion concerning the consolidation of the two associations.
WHEREAS the California Retail Lumbermens'Association did, at its annual convention at San Francisco October 2G27,1923, pass a resolution favoring amalgamation with this organization,
BE IT RESOI,VED by the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association in convention assembled this seventeenth day of November, 1923, that we are favorable to such an amalgamation or consolidation.
(Continued on Page 16)