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Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumbermen Are Doin$
Mr. George C. Schnitzer, managing editor of the "Gulf Coast Lumberman,". has been in California for the past two weeks, roaming around and taking in the sights in the wonder state that he has been reading about.
Mr. Schnitzer h,as been connected with Mr. Di'onne's Texas paper for about four years, and enjoys the reputation of feing one of the best informQd men in that great state. in the lumber business.
This being his first trip into California, he made a good thorough survey from one end to the other and pr9nounce-d his approval of us. In'cidently, he was not in I-os Angeles fbr many hours before he was talking of real estate values.
tle returued to Houston by way of San Francisco, after 'spenrling several days in the northern part of the state.
Will Dixon Goes North
Mr. Wm. Dixon, formerly connected with Robert Forgie, Los Angeles wholesale'r has been in the north for tl: p"9! ten dayJ, visiting Portland, Seattle and S_pokane. He will rcturn to Los Angeles about the sth of December.
Mr. Dixon recently resigned his position with Mr. Forgie, and will be ready to announce his plans within a very short time.
Yard Changes Name
Mr. Charles T. Lund, manager of the Jensen & Schlosser Lumber and Mill Company, announces that from now on the San Rafael yard. and also the Novato Lumber Yard, will be known as the Henry Hess Co. As announced abou! eighteen m,onths ago the Henry Hess Co., succeeded the firm of Jensen & Schlosser, taking over their local lumbeF and millwork business, and at that time stated that they would carry on the business under the old narne tlntil some future time.
Mr. Lund announces that they will be no change in the personal of the 'company, all of the old employe_es re_main- ittg. Mr. L. Minstrel is i'n charge of the mill; Mr. A: Turner is forem,an of the yard, and the offiFe personel is com'posed of Miss L. Sigrist, Mr. Hal Klinket and Mr. Frank Boileau. Mr. Charles E. Kiser is in charge of thd Novato vard.
Lumber Company To Change Name
O. Truitt, m,anager of the Healdsburg Lumber Co., ?n-' nounces a change-of the fi"rm name to Henry Hess Co., Healdsburg Lum,ber Yard.
In l9?fJ-. the Henry Hess Co. purchased the business of Mrs. A. R. Ackerman and up to this time have carried on the business under the nami of the Healdsburg Lumber Company.