1 minute read
Your Fall Advertising, Mr. Dealer
Don't advertise "'building materials" in the fall, Mr. Lurnber Merchant. It doesnf't pay. The reasons ,it doesn't is because it won't sufficiently interest y,our trade to make the investment worth while.
Advertise BUILDING TIIINGS that people in your territory may be sufficiently interested in to make them desire to exchange their money or credit for them. THEN y,our advertising will pay. It takes a nrighty clever advertising man to prepare a campaign that will interest the 'average consu'm€r' in boards.
But every clay we are hearing from lumber merchants who find that their trade is right up on their toes in their degree of interest in some of the attractive things that go to promote human comfort anrl satisfaction, that lumber will BUILD.
And it is what lumber will NIAI(E and DO, rather than what it IS, that makes people buy it who would not otherwise invest in lum,ber.
So, in your fall advertising, Mr. Lumber Merchant, )rou must offer SPECI!-ICALI-Y, building FUNCTIONS, SERVICF]S, IDEAS. COMFORTS, LUXURIE,S, CtC.
'Ihe mail order man selects a batch of pictures and plans. Then he gets up his "selling talk" in print. His copy is