1 minute read
WYBRO BRA]ID Ueneered Panels
Make Beautiful Interior Trim
WYBRO Panels are to be had in all the popular hardwoods and Oregon Pine. Each panel is perfectly manufactured and the wide surfaces show to best advantage the beauties of the wood.
Suggest neu d,esigns fo your clienfs.
,dn extensively elegant and substantial interior in the Elizabethan or Tudor desigh has walls and ceilings panelled solid and battened into squares, or the ceilings can be staggered.
Walls may be panelled without battens. The wide unbroken expanse thus secured gives a beautiful display of the grain and figure of the wood used.
The simple dado base of WYBRO Panels is always a charming finish in the best of taste and style.
Speeify WYBRO Brand Panek. They guarantee satisfaction.
Hardwood Headquarters
5th & Brannan Str. San Francbco what u'e call "informative." It answers every question the prospect would be likely to ask about these buildings or building things, before he has a ch,ance to ask them. He never forgets to mention the PRICE-NOT the price of the MATERIAI,S-buI the price of the THING itself.
One of the objections to the advertisin,g atternpted by many retailers is that it simply raises questiorrs irr the rnind of the reader, instead of answering them..
To advertise successfully in the fall, the Lumber Mer. chant must do two things. He must prepare and decide upon some interesting specific things to offer for sale. NOT generalities. NOT-"when in the m,arket fo1 a home see us." That isn't the idea at all.
From your plans, ancl your ideas, an<l vour stocks, and from your knowledge of yo,ur local situation, and its needs, dig up some specific buildings or building things. Figure out just how and why your trade should buy them, visualize their sale, put a completed price on them so that you can offer'a definite something for a definite and fixed sum of money.
Then get busy and tell your trade about them.
Dr€am, plan, equip, advertise, and make your fall advertising canr,paign a successful one.
TRY US AND SEE stock enables us to on the most varied Kearny 1O14