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Jact Dtonne I have told for 2O years-Some less.
She Liked His Preaching
The new colored preacher had made a big hit with his congragation, particularly with one good sister, who hung with devotion over his eloquently delivered serrnons. She wanted hirn to know how much good she was getting from his preaching, so one Sunday when the service ended, she pushed her way through the crowd that was gathered round the parson, and getting his attention, said:
"Pahson, Ah wants you to know how greatly Ah enjoys and appreciates yo sermons. Ah have hea'd many good preachahs in mah time, but Ah have nevah hea'd the word of God preached as cleahly and plainly as y,ouall do. As a nrattah of fact, Pahson, until youall came heah to preach fo dishere congregashun Ah nevah really knowed what SIN was.tt