3 minute read
Selling MENEFEE Pioducts
WENDLTNG-LaIh'.Rough Railroad and Mining Stock
MONARCH-OId Growth Clearr
PORTLAND-Univeraity Shingler
WASHINGTON-YeIIow Fir Yard Stock
RAINIER-Cargo Material
We specialize on Yellow Fir Door Stock-Inquiries Srlicited-Prompt Deliveries.
Phone Sutter 398-Write or Wire SAN FRANCISCO
Early last month the McCullough Fagan Lumber Company established records by the success{ul clearing of the was berthed at the dock of the Seattle Mill & Logging Company, and loaded with a fir cargo to full c'apacity. This is said, to,be the largest vessel that has ever been loaded on Lake Washington and the first ocean going carrier to successfully berth at this mill.
The vessel was towed from the Seattle Mill & Logging Company at the south end of Lake Washington, through the Lake Washington ship canal to Puget Sound, by two tugs. They were met at West Point Light by the Tug Sea Monarch, which towed the Forest Friend to Cape Flattery.
The Forest Friend is under charte.r to the M'cCullough Fagan Lumber Company, and is com,manded by Capt. Alex Zagehoar.
"Forcst Fttcnd" Ieaoing Laftc Washlngton
"Forest Friend" from the Seattle Mill pany dock, on Lake Washington.
& Logging Combarkentine, with a thousand feet. She California Moulding Co. , ROY E" IIARRINGTON, Prop. LOS ANGELES Vermont 7618

apologize. begin wer take admit crror face a bc
Toavoid kcep on keep out a rut. obey profit by dcserved blame. underhandodness. bcst of a little. an unruly ternp€r. the silver lining. rebuke gracefully.
To smilo in adversity.
To value character above reputation. To discriminate between sham and rcalityBUT IT ALWAYS PAYS
Thc colorod proachcr wae caught in a neighboti+ ^i6" patch, a^nd sccing that he was surrounded and *96 "ot escapc, he got on his knecs and began cvery seur,efance of praycr. When they closcd on him he lookcd up in surpriso and o:rclaimed: "Mah Lawd, itts gcttin: so nowdaye a preachah caint even pick our a guiet placc to pray widout being bothe'd."
Therc is one virtue which no man or woman in the business world should neglect to cultivate. It is GRACIOUSNESS.
A service rendered with graciousness, is magnifictl to thc person servcd urtil it seems-as indeed it is-a far grcatcr service. Gracirousness isn'g toadyism. It isn't fawning up on superiors and condescending to inferiors. The true graciousness is not an assumed thing, put on and laid ofr like a garm€nt. It is oourtesy, kindlincsg hclpfulness arrd, understanding, dl cleverly blcnded.
6Vo afr the world's population.
7Vo of the world's land.
25Vo of the lvorld's wheat production zOEo ot thc world's gold.
His white friends called him "Midnight'' because of his black skiru and he didn't mind, but it was difrerent when the Niggers tried it. One day a dusky citizen met him' and said "Hello, Midnight," and he indignantly rqllied-"Looks lak youse about a quartah to twelve, yosef.."
Ingersoll On Home
"I tell5ou I would rather make somcbody happy' I would rattrer havc the love of somebody; I v/ould rather go to tlrc forest far away and build me a little cabin; build it myself and daub itwith mu4 and live thcrc with my wife and childrcn; I would rather go and live there by rnyseU-our lit' tle family-and havc a pattr that leads d,own to thc spring where the water bubbles out day and night like a little pocm from the heart of the earth; a little hut with some hollyhocks at th€ oorncr, with thcir bannered bosoms open to the sun, and with the thrush in the air, like a song of joy in thc ing; I would rather live there and have some lattice across the window so tfiat thc sunlight could fall across the baby in the cradle; I would rather livc and have my soul erect and free, than to live in a of gold and wear the crown of imperial that my sotrl pas slimy with hypocrisy. power, and, I beliwe in republican- forgive qfia forgbt. democracy of thc fireside. I believe in the That it pays
337o of, the world's silver.
4A%o of the world's iron and steel.
40Vo of, the world's railroads.
6Aj'o of the world's cotton production
667o ot the world's oil production.
70Vo of. the world's copper production.
75Vo of the world's corn production.
ESVo ot the worlil's au@rnobiles.
85Vo of. the world's lumbcr production
And an absolute corner on "BIJLL."
Sho Do
I-ady-'Tobe, Itn sorry to hear your wife got a divorce."
fpb6-"!sssum, she done gone back to Alabarna"
Lady-'Who will do my washing nour?"
Tobe-"Doan be discouraged mam. fse cotin agin, an I cotes rapid."
The codfish lay a rnillion
While the helpful hen
But the codfish does not
To inform us what
And so we scorn the But the helpful
Which indicatcs to wG pnze,