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R. F. Page and R. FI. Browne Organize Wholesale Lumber Company
Browne, prominent and well known have embarked in the wholesale organized the LUMBERMEN'S at 255-257 First National Bank Building, San Francisco.
R. F. Fage and R. H. sugar pine lumbermen, Iumber business and have EXCHANGE, with offices llr. Browne is also a practical lumberman and has been connected with the Red River Lumber Co. for over twenty years, dur'ing which period he has held various positions of responsibility. Mr. Browne will act as the Southern California representative of the new concern and will make his headquarters in Los Angeles.
Mr. Page was connected with the Red River Lu,m,ber Company, of M'in.neapolis, Minn., and Westwood, Calif., for thirty-one years; before corning to their Westwood plant, he was manager of their mill at Akeley, Minn., for fourteen years, and on his arrival on the Pacific Coast he took ovei the management of their Westwood operations. which position he held for over ten years. About a yeat ago, he resigned as ma,nager of Red River Lumber Co. mill at Westwood, and became afrfi'liated with the Hutchinson Lu,miber Co., of Oroville, Calif., with which concern he was connected with unt'il a .few weeks ago, when he decided to enter the wholesale lumber business with M,r. Browne. Mr. Pray is one of the best known pine lumbermen in the United States. His experience has extended through all branches of the lumber business, including the market'ing of large stocks, and he is'thoroughly conversant with the needs, of the lumber trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coasts, also he knows what the trade requires an'd the ability of the mills on the Pacific Coast to meet these requirements. Mr. Pray is first vice-president and a'member of the finance committee of the Cal'ifornia Pine' Box Distributors Co., and is president of the Feather River Pine Association.
The Lumbermen's Exchange have made valuable connections with some of the largest Sugar and White Pine mills on the Coast, and will also act as California representative of several large Oregon Pine producers'of the Northwest. Mr. Pray advises that they are in position to fur'n'ish the tra,de anythlng they require macle of wood; this includes Mouldings, Sash and Doors, Cut Stock, Box Shooks, and lumber in rough or worked to any pattern.
The "Pt. Loma," Hart-Woods new flag ship, Capt. Benson, arrived at the Outer Harbor Dock one day last week, on her first trip on the Pacific Coast, in the Hart-Wood servrce.
This boat was brought from the other coast, reconditioned in San Francisco at a cost of about $100,000.00 and was sent to Willapa harbor to load fir for Southern Cal'ifornia.
According to Mr. Joseph Rolando, manager of the steamship department, she carried 1800 thousand feet on this maiden trip.