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Tacoma Lumbermens Club to continue Publicity Campaign
The campaign carriecl ol1 so successfully during the past year by the Tacoma Lumberm.en's Club for spreading information about "The Lumber Capital of Am.erica," will be continued next year, it was <lecided at a recent nreeting of the Club.
"Our plans contemplate a logical following up oi the work done during the past season," explains A. H. Lar.rdram, chairm,an of the advertising comm.ittee. "We are well pleased with the results, which in m,any way,s have far exceeded our expectations. and in fact, it is pointed to by some authorities as one of the most successful campaigns of its kind with which they have come in contact.
"It has 'brought to the attention of the lnrn,ber buying public the fact that Tacoma is the headquarters for Pacific Northwe,st forest products ,as well as a summer vacation center of great charm. It has achieved wide publicity for the slogan 'Lumber Capital of America,' coupled with the name of Tacoma, and has als,o produced concrete results of no m,ean proportions."
Advertisements appearing regularly in the "California Lu,m,ber IlIer'chantt' and other leading lumber:trade journals, wer6 supplemented by the distribution of a very handsome book of more than sixty pages, bound in,cloth-backed board covers and profusely, illustrated, and by broadsides, folders for dealers. ohoto news service and dealer directories.
The campaign as outlined for the coming year w,ill continue along lines somewhat similar to those of last year but a number of new features. designed .to enlarge it! appeal and to build on the firm f'oundation which has been laid. have been included.
Particular efforts will be macle to assist the dealer anC to co-operate with him in every way to make it easier for him to sell lum,ber and lumber products,. and a number of etficient "helps" are being provided ,touiard this end. The Tacoma Lumbernr,en's Clu,b is also'losing nogpportunity to impress on everyone to whom its messlges are addres,sed that "T.he Lu,m,ber Capital of Ameriqa" is located in the midst of natural attractions of surpassing beauty-"America's Summer Playground," and is; stressing the invitation to all to visit that delightful re.gion and see.person,ally its r'v,onders and its lumber resources.
Site For Municiple Lumber Wharf Sought
Various sites for the establishmient.of a municiple lumber wharf were discussed at a.recent meeting o{ the Los Angeles Harbor Board. Several cornpairies tlr,at do not operate their own wharves have petitiohedrthe lBoar'd to establish such a dock. and it is not impro'bable that some action will be taken.