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Hoover Launches Plan to Replenish Building Labor

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Washington, Nov. 25.-The Government has launched a new program to increase the supply of labor for the building industries.

Secretary Hoover, initiating the movem:ent, aims to effect general adoption of a plan by which apprentices in larger numbers may be employed by the building trades.

Mr. Hoover informed the research department of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association' that he has appointed a special committee to work out the apprentice phase of the building problem. This committee will inilude in its personnel labor leaders, industrial leaders and Government officials.

It is recqgnized by Mr. Hoover and by industrial leaders that construction' work of all kinds could proceed at a more rapid pace in all sections of the country, if adequate numbers of skilled laborers in the building trades were available.

. The present system under which builders are forced to the necessity of engaging in sharp competition for labor is considered a factor which is preventing ,building {rom attaining its maximum status. In fact, building exP€rts who have surveyed the situation over the country have concluded that the scarcity of certain kinds of labor must be overcome before construction work can go ahead in proportion to the needs of the country.

A special committee has been named by Secretary Eloovei to undertake a solution of this phase of the building problem. Representatives of the American Federation oil-abor have been asked to serve upon this committee.

It is proposed that builders generally adopt in practice a system for the employment of apprentices in larger nu,mbers. Secretary Hoover believes builders themselves can remedy the present situation.

In their study of the question Government experts found as one of the chief obstacles to the greater em,ployment of building trade apprentices, the peculiarly seasonal na: ture of such employment. Such obstacles, however, can be' met by building contractors individually. In Mr. Hoover's opinion, building contractors should work out individual. plans for employing apprentices, upon a basis w,hich will assure employment for a greater part of each year, rather than in the months of greatest constrttction activity.

Santa Fe Lumber Company Loses A. O. Nelson

Mr. A. O. Nelson, who has been representing the Santa Fe Lumber Company in the Los Angeles territ'ory for about two years, has resigned this position and will leave the first of January.

A. J. (Gus) Russell, head of the Santa Fb Lumber Company is losing a valuable man, and has expressed his ex. treme regret over Mr. Nelsons resignation.

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