3 minute read
Architects will specify California White and Sog"i Pines for more than 200 years
The supply of these woods is ample for the building rcqpine meots ofthe next two ofirries
1w the Sierra and Siskiyou mountain regions of California Iand Souchem Oregon, there stands the prodigious total of r37 billion feet of soft pitu tintr,r, compoeed of roy billion feet of California White Pine, and 3z billion feet of C,ali6r, nia Sugar Pine.!
The natuml growth and reproductiot 1" "idingto thi* reser, voir ofwood supply at the rate of z;o million feetannrnlly.
Fair estimates show that the supply ofthese unsurpasced woods, at the present rate of productiorl will last for fully two centuries.
Reforestation is being carned on most extensively in theac woods, and it is the hope of lumbermen that the sup'ply wrll be perpetuated
Productbr and uses
The production of luober from these Pines is r,ooo,oo,oo board feet annually, or 5o,ooo carloada
33o,ooo,ooo feet goes into &str" Doors and Frames.
Tqooo,ooo s s " Interior trim and exterior finisbtqooorooo s q (
2@ro@ro@ 4 s 4
3to,ooo,ooo s s 4
Industrial uses.
Boards and dioension for con: structiorL sheathing and forms. Box and crating materials.
Speqfy and buy with the confdent i$surance of an adequate supply foryears and years to come probably forever.
Inquiries concerning the proper uses and gfades oftheee woods will be promptly answered by a competent wood technologist, formerly with the Forest koduCs laboratory, conduded bythe U. S.Government, at MadisoruWiscoosin, and now associated with us

Californta wHffE fTSUCilRHNE
Manul a ctll,ter s A sso cia tion
- 6C CALL Brxrc.. sANrB^lfcurco Ako ptodlrca.tofcAlrForNn wnrr! irr CAI,IBON{IADOUGI.A3IIB CALTEOBIrIIAN|cEfIECtDAr

How Lumber Looks
There heve been no rtartling changee in market conditionr in fhe paet two weekr, in fast ttere probably will be no great change now until after the 6rst of the year. Thir time of the year building progrels generally takes a back seat for the Holiday ceremonier.
Qne thing ir absolutely certain (and many lumberrnen are sratr ing their bank rollr on it), thls great rtate of Cdifornia is going to see one of the bert, biggert and boomieet yean next year that she ha"r ever !e.en, rn{ we are all going to benefit. Nothing can rtop the f,ood of people and prorper- ity that will hit the entire Pacific Coart, and naturally tte building industry ir going to g€t itr rhare.
The wholesale lumber market did not go ballooning the day after election, a! many thought it would, but, there har been a steady, healthy rtiffeoing of the lirtr, from No. 3 randoms to tte hrghe* uppers, and the demand har been encouraging. The countr5r yardr have placed a gratifying arnormt of burinesr during the lart half month, and a good nurnber of t[e l"rgo yardr have been in the markeq placing orders, some of ttem for futrre delivery.

One good condition that can be reported b, that there has been a noticeable lack of the frenzied hawking of rmsold stocks, and from reliable authority it ic learned that tte docks are ununrally clean of lumber that har yet to be rold.
The receiptr at Lor Angelet Harbor will nm digLtly over October, when thir port unloaded 119,fiX),(XX) feet. The month of November, to the night of rhe 27t\ hrd reen close to thir figure already in, with reveral dayr to go. Southern California recci'red, by water, l37rOOOrO0O fect of Redwood and Fir, in OctObcr.
The Wert Coart Lunbcrncotr Arrocbtion hrt rcpct rhowr a week'r cut by itr meubet Eilb of g3r(X)Or(m fc.l and ralee of 85 million. TbcV rhippcd 72 nillioo. ThL ghowr tteh new budn€. to bc about g/oDdov productirn Tfey have unfilled rail orden for thirty-two hrn&ed cerr
The Calfornia Redwood Arrocietiontr vccktr repott rhowe nw burinec anornting to e htle ovcr rcven million feet, and they cut cight millioo"
Operation And Production
There har been practically oo .hrnge in thc. gro.. production of the larg€r milh {1aiag Sc part tro*cds
Some few qoncetrr wee comlrllcd to lhut dorn fc short pelrodr from variorn clurcr drrbg thc rcccnt hcevy wind and raia ctornr, but thcrc cctaihcntr rcre only tco' porary and mott of then are egein reving.
From prercot appcaranccr thc -:nr rrill 3o. iato thc en, nual rhut down with lc.s do& on hand tha 6cy hrvc hrd +tlir pgnd for rcrcnl ycrrr. fbb apccil[y epplicr b ched stocLr.
After Deccmbcr fO