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When Ghristmas Gomes Every Day

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There is tihat added value, that untold Something, that comes to the Dealer who buys from follrs who know how to sell.

And it is an easy matter now for you to learn preciaely what firms and individuals are making a studied efiort to sell intelligently-to give superior sdrvice and satisfaction with their sales.

Turn to the advertising pages of your trade paper and therc you have a ready reference to folkg who [rnow how to sell. Advertising is so much a part of modern merchandising tlrat no one c n lay claim to lrnowing how to sell, without advertiaing. So in buying from firms that advertise you are getting not only full value in _goods but the added comfort and satisfaction of knowing that you have bought wisely and well-like a Chrishnas blessing distributed over 365 days of the year.

S. O. KRANTZ llorsinr Editor

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