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When the proverbial big noise of Hoo-Hoo land reached out and grabbed Ered Hamilton as vicegerent snark of the San Diego district they picked not only a loyal and faithful member of the Order but a high-powened lumber salesman and an all-round good fellow as well.

Fred has been a cat for fifteen or sixteen years. Look at his picture anC you will see that he was but a tender youth when he joined. That was in Winnepeg, and going into the Order in those days was no Sunday school Fred Hemilton Plcnlc.

Being a native Canadian and a natu.ral born salesman it was inevitable that he sooner or later should join the sales force of the Rat Portage Lumber Co., wh,ich wag the most powerful organization in the lumber field at that time. Before starting to sell lumber Fred had sold insurance, phonographs and various other comrnodities that the folks in Canada needed-or that he convinced them that they needed-so it didn't take him long to "knock 'ern dead" with the dealers on the Canadian prairies. Among his best friends today are those same dealers.

For the last five or six years he has been connected with the sales force of the Benson Lumber Co. at San Diego and at the present time is the capable and energetic sales manager of that enterprising organization.

Whitson Is Vicegerent In Newly Created Orange County District

W. R. Whitson, Manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Santa Ana, Calif., is now the Vicegerent for the latest jurisdiction to the growing family of Hoo-Hoo. The District over which he will preside is the same as that of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club.

The selection of Mr. Whitson rvas made by C. D. Le Master, Senior Hoo-Hoo, who is forever on the alert and constantly reaping the best available men upon whom to bestow official duties in the Order.

California, as a matter of course, now is a hotbed of HooHoo activities and the acquisi'tion of this new district is certain to heighten the pace at which events have been moving iq the past.


Henry F. Faull, vice-regent snark of the San Francisco district, announces that plans are now well under way for the regular HooHoo bi-monthly luncheons and that the first meeting will bd held before the first of the year. The boys are all glad to get this announcement and they are looking forward to these luncheons with much pleasure.

One of the honored guests at the big Hoo'Hoo annual in Detroit last September was Miss Maybelle LeMaster, the charming two-and-a-half-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. ("Lee") LeMaster of Fresno.

"Lee" was elected supreme senior Hoo-Hoo at this convention and while he,is a popular fellow by force of his own personality and his own accornplishments for Hoo-H,oo, nevertheless his strength and his sfanding in the organization.were substantially enhanced by the presence of his fair daughter.

Little Maybelle made the trip across the country with her ,proud parents and had the 'time of her young 1ife.

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