2 minute read
Random Items-Mill Run
One 'of the real classy' retail lumiber stores in Southeqn California is that now-occupied by the Whittier Lumber Company at Whittier. The place contains all the latest ideas in accomtnodations and conveniences for the trade, is beautifully finished and provides an effective display for both hard and softrvoods.
An attractive showing of plans and plan books and service features for both the men and women customers are some of the distinct points of interest'
But the most unique, as. well as the most efiective, feature from, an advertising standpoint is the floodlight thrown against the building at ni,ght. The light-a powerful ,electric globe-is attached to ,a high post across the streeV and serves to illuminate the handsom,e new building and its surroundings.
Inasrrluch as C. W. Pinkerton, owner of the Whittier Lurrtber Company, is p.resident of the State Association h,e surely is going to set a good example to the other retailers of California.
H. M. Schaur, m,anager ,of the Tracy Lumber Company, spent several days in San Francisco recently discussing business with A. J. "Gus" Russell, Manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. Mr. Schauer reports business good in lris locality and that Tracy has been making a great many municipal improvements. The Tracy Lum,ber Company is one of the retail yards owned by the Santa Fe Lum,ber Company.
C. F. Flinn, Manager of the A'Tbiffi Lumber Company, with headquarters at Albion is leaving tomo,rrow for Cihicago. H,e will be accompanied by NIrs. Flinn and they plan to spend the holidays with their daughter, who is attending Beloit College. Both Mr. and Mrs. Flinn are graduates of Beloit and are lookiing forward with much pleasure t'o greeting some of their old campus {ri,ends aigain. They plan to retgrn to California after the holidays.
Dimmick Back From Trip To Mill
"Bert" Dimnrick, sales manager for the California & Oregon Lumber Co., has returned to San Flancisco, after spending several days at the comrpany's m,ill at Brookings, Oregon. Bert reports that everyt'hing is progressing nicely. at the mill, but the car shortage is bad and holdin'g r1P snlpments.
Chamberlin Back From Paso Robles
Ed. Chamberlin, of the W. R. Chamb'erlin & Co., San Francisco, is back'again on the job afte4 spend,ing a threeweek's vacati'on at the Paso Robles Hot Sp,rings. lIe reports that he had a fine time.
New Orleans Dealers To Use Standard Grades
Fifteen ofi the leading retail lumber dealers in New Orleans, comprising a large majority of all lumber yards in the city, have entered into an ag"reement effective January 7,1923, to adopt and use the st.andard specifications for grades of Southern YellowPine lumber issued by the Southern Pine Association in their sal'es ,of this mraterial. No other grades and rules will be ,recognized or used by the dealers who are parties to the a,greem,ent. This action means the abolition by the dealers signing the agreement, and the virtual abolition in New Orleans, of thd old Contractors' & Dealers' Exchange grading rules, which have been in vogue in New Orleans for the greater part of the last half century.
To Dry Raisins In Lumber Kilns
Raisin growers in the vicinity of Madera have made arrangenxents with the Sugar Pin'e Lumber Company for use of the company's kilns in drying their raisins. The use of two kilns have been donatedl ,for that purpose. The experiment is said to be meeting with success.