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L. A. Cats Bring ThirtY Youn$ 'Z 2, Kittens into Ranks of Order \U/
A ,class of thirty lrecocious but trustful kittens was welcomed into the'"enchanted realms" of Hoo-Hoo land at a lively concatenation in the dining rooms of the Elks Club in lq5 dngeles on Tuesday evening, Novembe'r 12'
It was the first concat under the administration of Curtis Williams, the new snark of the district, and the snark and his nine did thernselves proud in t'he manner in which they cond,ucted the work. The officers had rehearsed their paris faithfully and the initiation proceeded with a vim ind a decorum that lent both dignity and imrpressiveness to the proceedings
The usual banquet preceded the initiation and brought together a notable gathering of cats from the Los. Anqeles- district and from other parts of Sout'hern California. F,red Hamilton, snark of the San Diego district, was one of the prominent visitors; another was W. R. Whitson of Santa Ana.
The work on the flo,or was performed' by Fred Golding' chairman, and other members of the initiation committee. Other members of the committee were: "Gus" Hoover, Prhil Hart, "Bob" Tanzer, "Cappy" Slad,e, B. N. Byrne and Frank Connelly.
The evening's entertainment was in charge of Berne Barker and his comrnitteemen.
Following the initiation E. E. Taenzer read a fanciful account of ,how Hoo-Hoo originated.
T,he comp.lete list of kittens and reinstatements follows: j. W. Chappie, Owens-Park Lumber Co.
H. A. Peterson, Whiting Wrecking Co.
James C. Owens, Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
P. J. McDonald, Los Angeles Planing Mill Co.
F. L. Fox, Fox-Woodsom Lumber Co. (Glendale).
Joseph Rolando, Hart-Wood Lumber Co.
C. A. Zatzky, O'wens-Parks Lumber Co.
C. M. Elliott, Owens-Parks Lurrrber Co.
A. C. Merryman, Californ'ia Lumber Merchant.
M. E. Etienne, W. J. Bettingen Lumber Co. (Pasadena).
T. L. Stearns,.Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.
L. E. Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co'
W. M. lleminger, i{ayward Lumber & Investment Co.
H. G. Albro, Coast Lumber Co. (San Fernandro).
J. H. Luck, Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
G. S. Clemens, San Pedro Lumber Co.
H. E. West, J. H. B,axter & Co.
O. F. William's. Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
W. M. Dixon, Pacific l\4utual Building.
S. L. Hayward, Hayward Lumh,er & Investment Co.
J. Don Mahaffey, Hollywood Lumber Co.
W. W. Montgomery, Hollywood Lumber Co.
J. V. Yankie, Drayer and Hansen.
Paul Thom,pson, Hepburn Mill Co.
Wm. F. Tierney, N. W. Mutual Fire Assn.
Wilfred Whitac.re, Whitacre & Son.
Guy L. Dartnell, N. W. Mutual F'ire Assn.
Russell B. Mullen, Burbank Lumber Co.
Paul S. Walker, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.
Waldo R. McWilliams, Gibbs Lumber Co. (Fullerton).
Messrs. Dixon, Fox, Owen, McDonald and Luck were reinstatements.