1 minute read
Fifteen Points rn I Sa[esmanshnp
Bv C. M. ELLIOTT Owene-ParLr Lumber Company Lor Angeler
l.-There is no better slogan than that adopted by thc Rotary clubs-"Service Above Self-He Profits Most Who Serves Begt."
2.-Your housb, or your firm, or your plant must be right; you cannot sell succeesfully if your house cannot back you up.
3.-You must be prepared; know your line intimately and be ready to answer every inguiry no matter how trivial or absurd it may seem.
{.-p6n'1 be a mere order taker; be a real salesman.
5.-See that your drders are properly made out so that your order department can give them dispatch.
6.-Keep informed on the stock in your yard, and what moves slowly; then make a particular effort to sell the slow-moving stoclc.
7.-Give $1.00 value for $1.00 order and give 25c service for each $1.00.
8.-Study your customer's wants and see that you keep his business in mind when you hear of an order that he can supply.
9.-lf calling on a Purchasing Agent, help him to learn your line. If he doeg not understand lumber see the engineer and get the order right.
10.-If you give this gervice your customer will always have you and your house in mind.
I l.-If he is busy when you call, call again. Your time is his for the time being.
12.-Build up confidence. Never ask for an order, but of what service you can be to your customer.
|3.-Every day you must learn something from the previous day's experience.
|4.-After all is said and done, service is more to the cuetomer than price.
|5.-Salesmanship is work, hard work and close application to business. Do it today and not tomorrow,