2 minute read
Don't Advertise Just to Beat Your Competitor Out of Trade
Another old fashioned and erroneous idea about 'advertising that exists still in the minds of lots of lumibermen is that advertising shouldi be do,ne for the purpose of helping entice your building trade AWAY frour y'our contpetitor' and TO yourself ; to induce the fellow who is in the market for building materials to buy from YOU rather than from someone else.
Bringing the customer your way when he decides tc build, something lS one of the functions of your advertising, but it isn't the main'one. The main one is to MAI(E HIM DECIDE TO BUILD. See? When you furnish a m'an with a building IDEA and thus cause him to de'cide to secure that building thing, or function, -or whatever it may be, then you have accomlplished the fu,ndamental thought in merchandising-you have accomplished something by CREATING-business.
Look at your publicity efforts in that way. NOT as a mean,s of taking trade away frorr\ the other fellow, but of inducing the public to buy those thin,gs which you have to sell by selling them on the idea of wanting something that
The California Rail Trade
your materials will build. In that way you will help create a bigger and better local consumption.
And it is safe to sav that the fellow who falls for the build,ing IDEA and decides to adopt it, will buy his materials from the man who furnished the fundamental thought back of the purchase..
T. D. Woodbury, Assistant District Forester in the United States For,est Service with headquarters at San Francisco, and Miss Kl,ara Pedersen'of San Francisco, were married at the hom,e of Mr. E. B. Lacer,41 18 South Figuero,a Street. Los Angeles, on November 25.
Mr. Wootlbury hal supervision of all timber s'ales in this District, he -is well known and popular with the lumbermen of California, and the Pacific Coast. He is a graduate of the Y'ale Forest School, 1905" Upon his graduation his first assignment was Forest Assistant on the B'attlement National Forest irl Colorado. Later h'e was transferred to t,he Pike National Forest, and prior to his coming to the Pacific Coast, was enga,ged in Silvicultural Studies with headquarters in Denver.
Mr. Woirdbury is one of the most pr'ominent men in the United States Forest Service and is held in very high regard by the entire lumber fraternity of the West.
Mr. ind NIrs. Woodbury will make their home in S. F.
A. H. Cole, General Manager of the Slade Lum'ber Co', has gone to the N'orthwest on a two-weeks' busines9 trip. ffe w;tt visit Po'rtland, Grays Harbor, Seattle and other lumber sections adjacent to Puget Sound. He expects to return to San Francisco for the holidays.
Live Valley Dealer Visits Bay Cities
C. L. Burnett, of the C. L. Burnett Lumber Company of Exeter, was a recent visitor to San Francisco. He was visiting among his lumber friends and also spent considerable time doing,his Christmas shopping.