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Up and Down the State
George Weir, Sales-Man'ager of the .Coos B1f Lumber Co., reforts that the demand for Port O'rford Cedar, both domestlo'and in the Orient, is active a,nd that their mill at Marshfield, Oregon, is working to full capacity.
He says that there has been considerable demand for Port C)rford Cedar ties in China and owing to the physical characteristics of the wood, is is well adapted for this use. Japan continues an active market for port Orford Cedar logs. Mr. Weir states that Japan will always be a goodi mirket for Port Orford Cedar; that Japan has a species of cypress andl cedar gr,owing in the islands 'but owing to restrictions that are placed on the cutting of this timber by the Governm;ent, it is necessary to look to outside markets for their supply bf cedar. The Japanese are accustomed to working cedar; like its qualities; and for this reason Port Orford Cedar will ,always find a ready market there.
Shipments of shop and the other upper grade of Port Orford Cedar to the Atlantic Coast and Eastern markets havd also been heavy during the past year. The Coos Bay Lumber Co. are the largest manufacturers of Port Orford Cedar on the Pacific Coast and Mr. Weir states that their total production of this species during the past year will compare favorably with other years.
Oh, the poplars burn gold in the sheen of the sun, And the little rvinds whisper and sing, For a sparkle of dew As it catches the'skies
Is a twinkle of blueAnd it matches her eyes-
Let the forests turn gold in .the sheen of the sun, In my heart'it is spring, it.,is spring.
Eastern Lumberman To Locate In State
' Hugh P. Brady, until recently connected with the A. C. Dutton Lumber Corporation at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., has arrivbd in California and probably will locate in the state permanently. He and Mrs. Brady drove across the continent and visited the Northwest before coming South. Mr. Brady has been a salesman for the Dutton organization for nearly l0 years.
We can make probpt all rail ehipments
trlrank Burnaby of Burnaby Bros. Lumber Co; of Chicago is passing a few weeks in Southern California and getting acquainted with the lumbermen in that territory. His family are spending the Winter in Pasadena so he plans to remain until after Christmas. Mr. Burnaby advises that trade in the Chicago territory has been very active this Fall. He looks for a continuation of present conditions well into the new year.
Besides being an active partner in the Bu.rnaby Bros.. organization, Mr. Burnaby is president of the Chicago Lumber association, corirprising more than 300 firms,in that city, and devot€s much of rhis spart time to the executive affairs of that offi'ce; he also is a director and treasurer of the Am,erican Wholesale Lumber association; also a golf pl'ayer of no mean ability.
Redwood Production Heavy
Fourteen Redwood mills report production of. 8,527,Cffi feet, shipments totaling 7,573,W feet, with a gross new business of 5,791,000 feet for the week ending Saturday December 2, accordin,g to the association summary.
Harry R. Failing, on,e of the most successful advertising men in the Northwest, has just opened the H. R. Failing Advertising agency ,at 327 Failing Building, Portland, Ore--
We bave ready for prompt rhipmcnt from our Bay Point, Cd., plent, a conridcrable quantity of
To Lx 12
Common Cedar Boards
We are ready to take cutting onderr for & and 4-inch C.ommon Cedar Wharf PlanHng.
In the average citv, erren t,he most progressive city, there is plenty of business for everyl dealer, wheth,er he handles paint exclusively or merely as a mlore or less important side-line to some other business. And when, all the retailers have landed ,their share of t,he possible trade there will be l,ots left over for the aggressive new-comer who bu'tts in tomorrow or next day. That's a rpeculiarity of the paint business.
T,he factor which is going to bulk largest in paint sales for m.any years to come is paint education. The averrage
Brininstool Business Not Hurt By Fire
The fire which destroyed the varnish plant of the Brininstool Company, prominent Los Angeles paint and varnish manufacturers, last Tuesday has not affected the business of the corrpany in any particular. The paint factory was not hurt in the least. The company is continuing to do business, is accepting orders'and making deliveries same as usual.
man needs less to be convinced of the merits of your par'ticular brand than of the desirabilitv and advisabilitv of pain'ting. The average town could spend double, triple and
We have a paint proposition to live lumber dealers, who desire to handle paintg of quality and backed by sendce quad,ruple the amount it now spends'in paint and still ther-e would be landmarks with weatherbeaien walls in their ""Ga".tt veriiably shrieking to be clothed by the painter's kindly brush.
Our materials are made for people who know what good paint will do to improve the acceptability of their lumber.
Th'e surface of the paint field has been barely scratched by the reta,iler. The number of men who paint t'heir houses "itd "to.". and offic'es understandingly is relatively-small' The majority of people who paint - do so spasm'odically' They wbula, ii tuity'educatedion the su'bject, paint regularlv. with benefit to the dealer as well as to themselves'
'lDemand for high grade sash and door stock continues with regular mtid-ieaJon vigor," says Robert S. Osgood, *anagei of the big Los Angeles office and warehouse of the Wheeler, Osgood Company.
"Our factory ii increasing production gradually but it seems that we cannot keep up with the orders.
"Demand iri Los Angeles ,is much stronger than in the country at large, and the annual prediction of the-pessimists ihatthe-Los Angeles building movement will slow down are meeting with usual disaster.
"However, *" ft. fortunate in having an ample stock in our I-os Angeles warehouse and are able to supply the local trade without interruption.or delay."
Since the bcginning of tine, marr'g faith har been formded on tbe things that endure-the mourtaint, foreltr, lakes and strearnr.
For two generatione men who know how to create and buitd fme thingr have accepted
Ar their Standard