2 minute read
California Victory Elates Shingle Men; Staining Idea Endorsed
Seattle, 'Wash., Dec. 9.-Here in Seattle, where the folks who make and sell red cedar shingles have been gathering in annual c,onclave for thq last tlvo days, there is loud and genero,us p,raise for the wonderful success of the lumber dealers of Californ,ia in' defeatin,g the Housing bill with its vici,ous anti-shingle provisions at the recent general election.
The sweeping victory of the California lum,bermen was the high light of a joyously enthusiastic, highly optimistic
The most important result of the Shingle Congress was the d'ecision of manufacturers of red cedar shingles to start immediately on a vigorous campaign of exploitation and defense for their product.
The producers voted to assess themselves at the rate of two cents per'thousand to carry, on th'e' work.
R. S. Whiting, secretary of the Shingle Branch, will handle the campaign.
and distinctly harmonious meeting. Every speaker, of a great galaxy of able speakers, emphasized the importance of the California achievement and laid positive stress on the necessity of the shingle industry getiing together and doing something in its own defense so that simil,ar attacks need never again be fe,ared; in fact, the more far-sighted speakers urged the shingle folks to go even a step fartherto assume an offensive position; to proclaim the numerous distinct m,erits of their products t'o the home-builders of the lan.d, and to be ever alert and active and aggressive in furthering the use of shingles, both ,as a ,r,oof-covering and for side-walls.
In fact s,o large did the California situation loom, at the an,nual Congress that that stat,e was invaded to furnish the three principal speakers.
They were Ar. J. ("Gus") Russell, big chief of the Santa Fe Lumber Company of San Francisco, and chairman of the Califo.rnia Lum{bermen'sr executive committee in charge of the recent anti-shingle fight; Peter B. I(yne, erstwhile lumberman, author of "Cappy Ricks" and other classics that have given the lumber industry o,f the Pacific Coast an honorable place in fiction, and Jack Dionne, publisher of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT and of the Gulf Coast Lumberman, and story-teller extrao,rd.inary.
These three speakers had been "headlined" as the star attractions of the two-dav session and, whether it was due to theii presence or to the general interes't in shingles, the attendance was probably the best in the history of the shingle associations. Each of the Californi'a speakers as well aS ipractically everyone else who appeared on, the prc. (Continued on Page 16)
California Trio Guests Of Portland For Series Of Meetings
Portland, Ore., Dec. 11.-What probably was the most brilliant mixed gathering of lumber men and women ever given in the N,orthwest was the banquet here this evening in honor of the trio of lumber missionaries from California-"Gus" Russell, Peter B. Kyne and Jack Dionne-under auspices of the Portland Lumbermen's Club.
The meeting, very fittingly, was held in the Crystal room of the Benson Hotel-built by Sim,on Benson, an Oregon lumrberman. The three Californians were the only speakers.
On Monday noon ther California tri'o spoke at the Chamber of Commerce.
frlewy @l)rirtmug
Merry Christmas, gentle reader, may your cup of joy o'erflow, May the road be smooth before you, as on your way you go; May the troubles of the present, and the hardships of the past, No longer than a bubble in a mighty windstorm last.
That everything you're wishing for yourself may all come true, Is the sum of all the wishes, that we're wishing now for you.
May Santa heap your stockings while the Christmas carols clang, Is the sincere Christmas greeting of the Lumber Merchant gang.