1 minute read
Sell Built-fn Features
By Jack Dionne
Every live lumber dea,ler ought to carry in stock sanuples of attractively painted built-in features for tiomes.
There isn't anything else on earth that attracts the attention of the prospective rser rof building material half so much as new and attractive builtin things for the kircherl the bath, the lilrary, living roorn, d,ining roon1. etc.
There isnnt any doubt about this. The retailer who equips his sales room with samples of all the built-in things for homes t-hat he can get his hands on, has a wonderful advertisement right there, and one that never fails to attract attention.
It is absolutely essential that he'be able to quote a prico on the bu,ilt-in article without hesitation. What the customer wants to lrnow about it simply rs, how does it werk, how does it look, and what does it cosL He isn't interested in the number of feet of lurnber used in it, the nails, putty a"nd paint that went into it. Not in the least. This isn't MATERIAL; this is a THING a FUNCTION, an ARTICLE of use. The material is utterly unirnportant.
In every territory there should be mill work firms building and selling to the lunriber dealer oompleted built-in features, and everry live dealer should stock a sample of each so that he may show thern, and sell them.
What the public wants is building SERVICE, and that is splendidly illustrated in the sale of built-in features.