1 minute read
Hammond Mill At Astoria To Be Rebuilt
The Hamm,ond Lumber Company has dec,ided to rebuild at once its bi,g Fir m:ill at Astoria, Oregon, to replace the mill that was destroy,ed by fire early last September.
Following the disastrous fire that all but wiped out the picturesque and ,historic city at the mouth of the Columbia river a week ago, the Astoria Cham.,ber of Commerce telegraphed to A. B. Hamrnond at San Francisco asking whethe,r he intended to rebuild the mill, stating that this inform.ation, w,ould do much, to strengthen the morale of the citizens.
Mr. Ham'mond wired back as follows:
"We have been engaged for some time in preparing plans andr estimates with end in view'of rebuiiding our mill at Astoria. Meanw,hil.e we are instructing our ,representative to contribute $5000 toward any fund you rnay be raising or sponsoring to meet emeng'encies."
A j,oint-meetin'g of the grading rules committees of the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association and the California White & Strgar Pine Manufacturers' Associ,ation was held at McCloud on Tuesdav. Wednesdav and Thu,rsdav of this week for the purpose oi-going orr"r ih. recommendations of the national standardizati,on committee to see what action the soft pine manufacturers can and will take with reference to it.
D. H. Steinmetz, manager of the Standard Lumber Co., presided, at the sessions. C. Stowell Smith, secretary-manager of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, went up frorn the San Francisco office.
P. C. McNevin, Gene,ral Sales Manager of the Pacific Lumber Company, has gone for a tdo-weeks' business trip to Chicagol He plans' to be back in San Francisco shortly before the holidays.
R. F. H,amilton, Western Sales Manager of the Pacific Lumiber Co., has returned fr,om'a business trip to the comt pany's mill at Scotia. During the past month he has spent considerable time calling on their cus'tomers in the no'rthern part of the state and in a, few weeks is contemplating a more extended trip through the other sections of the state.
H On Christmas Morn ffi
On Christmas moin, when y,ou awake,
What asDect will Old Santa take ?
What wiil you find within your sock?
Will it delight, or will it shock?
Will it with all good things be filled
Because you've DONE what you have WILLED?
Or will it flat',and empty lie
Because you've passed your duty by?
Good friend, real gifts are always wonNot by your WISH-but what you've DONE.
Catiforiiia Sugar
W Hite Pine