2 minute read
To Keep California Sold on Redwood
"Sell California on Redwood and keep her sold," will be a timely slogan of The Caliiornia Redwood Association for L923, according to the plans now be,in,g matured by the Board of Directors.
The Board has been studying the proposition of doing some active trade extension work for the coming year, and is convinced that trade extension, like charity, should best begin at home. They realize that rnlany trade extension efforts in the history of industry have patterned after Thompson's famous colt, who swarn across a river to get a drink, and the Redwood people believe that there is much productive work, that can be done for Redwood right here in this magnificent lumber consuming state of California, and that to assume that because Redwood is gr,owtr and manufactured here it will automatically,secure a maximum share of the business of this state which it is equipped to supply, would be a costly mistake.
The Ca,lifornia Lumber Mercharrt hea"rtily'agrees with this thought of the Redwood Association. We have seen too many.industries go far afield withr their trade extension work, overlooking the nearest and likliest field. And ln California ,the need for working the local field to fullest advantage is the ,m,ore important because California is increasing its lumber consunlption more rapidly than any other state in the union, and regardless of where the lumber is grown andl manufactured, it requ,ires and will continue to require constant and intelligent effort to keep the California retail trade sold on any wood.
As a matter of fact it is easily dem,onstrable that other woods have been cutting deep into Redwood right here in California during the pas,t two years.
The California Lurnber Mercharrt respectfully suggests to the Redwood Association that there is no otier spot on the face of the earth where intelligent efforts, to help Redwood by helping the lumber dealer to SELL Redwood, and helping the consumer to BUY ,Redwood, will bring one half the direct results that they will right here in California.
Equip yourselves with IDEAS which will help, the lumber dealer sell Redwood. In doing so, keep in mind the viewpo,int of that dealer himself, and sell him from HIS standpoint, and NOT from yours, because it is to the interest of the OTHER FELLOW that all selling efiorts must appeal, if they are,to be successful.
The lu4ber dealer is a 'busy man; busy trying to m,ake his business go; busy trying to make his own business a success. He will be interested in YOUR product only as it helps HIS business. Therefore it ,is the duty of the producer to help him sell by helping him present your product to ,the trade in such interesting and attnactive ways that they are willing to exchange their cash for it.
We think there is great work to be done rfor Redwood in California. The fellow who goes east to create a market for Redwood when other woods are cutting deep into Red-
-the wood of Double Durability.
-the wood with the minimum of "falldowns" both in the yard and on the job.
We have ample assorted stock on hand of the best grade. Try us now for a quick rail shipment.