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McCormick Finds Lumber Demand in East Growing Heavier
Charles R. McCormick. President of Charles R. McCormrick & Co., has returned to San Francisco after spending four weeks on the Atlantic Coast, where he looked over lumber m,arket conditions, and called on his eastern customers. He visited Chicago, Ne\r' York, Philadelphia, Washington, and other eastern cities and states that he is very much p.leased with the eastern situatron.
Mr. McCormick says that business conditions on the Atlantic Coast are good and he found that it was the general impression among eastern buyers that dem:rncl for Pacific Coast lumber cluring 1923 will be great. Owing to favorable water rates, he predicts that lumber shipments through the Panama Canal will continue to be heavy. He advises that his corr{pany will ship approximately 130,000,000 feet through the canal to the Atlantic Coast in 1922, and that the total lurnlber shipm,ents from the Pacific Coast through the canal to east coast tpoints will run between500,000,000 and 6O0,000,00O feet.
Mr. McCormick declared that shipmlents through the Canal during the year 1923 u'ill be about double ,the 1922 figu,res. Although Fir and Spruce are in big demand there, he finds that there has been a big call for' Hemlock flooring during the past year in the eastern markets and eastern buyers are showing inuch favor toward this,item. During the past th,irty days the McCormick onganization has shipped over a million and a half feet of Hemlock flooring to New York to srrpplv the trade adjacent to New York City.
Conditions in the Chicago and Mississippi Valley territories are showing much improvement, he reported, and although lu,mber demand has been goodl there duing 1922, he looks for an increased demhnd during the next year. Since his retrlrn to the Pacific Coast, he,says that a large
"Alntt Nature Grand?tt
Did you ever stop to think where all the poles, piling, lumber and ties for wharves and bridges and the lumber and shingles for all the wonderful homes come from)