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Iumber concern of the Mississippi Valley wanted to contract for the shipment of 1200 cars of lumber for 1923,'ol. which 200 to 300 cars were to be shipped during the next thirty days. Anothet concern in the Chicago territory wahted to place an order for 240 cars of lumber to.be shipped within the next month, with the market price at time of shipment to prevail.
The car shortage still continues over the United States and heavy congestion is m/aintained in NeW York and other large eastern term,inal points. The railroads have not fully recovered from, the effects of the strike but improvement lnthe car situation has been noted of late and indic,ations are that this condition will be cleared up soon. He looks for a heavy movement of lumber by rail to eastern markets during the next year.
The eastern lumber trade showed much interest in the campaign against shingles in California and were gratified to see the fn surrtmarizing Mr. McCormick says that business conditions throughoit the country are sliowing continued improvement, and at the present time the prospects for a large demand for lumber in .both the Eastern and California markets for 1923 are exceedingly bright. He looks for a strong market during 1923.
'Housing bill so overwhelmingly defeated, he added,. The result will have a good effect in the East, in his opinion.
The California trade, Mr. McCormick explains, continues exceptionally good and at the present time all the ton. nage available is being utilized to transport lumber from the Northwest to California ports.
While in the East, he m,ade his headquarters at rthe company's New York offices in the Whitehall Building at 17 Battery Place. W. R. Hewitt is Manager and T. ,I. Park is Assistant Manager and were connected with their San Francisco office miany vears.
Mr. McCorm,ick alsq ,"nnbunces that on January 1,,.they will open a P,triladelphia office, G. A. Bauman, Minager.
Members of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's club are.making great prepa,rations for the,ir annual meeting and social session in t.lresn,o on Saturday even,ing, Janluary ZO.
Details of the program soon will be worked out by a number of committees .to be appointed by J. C. Ferger, president of the ,club. An entertainment and dinnerl to which the farnilies of members will be invited, will follow.
The regular December meetin,g of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club will take the form of a dinner dance ar the Del Paso country clu'b, Sacramento, at noon Saturday. December 16. Nomination of officers will be mbde.