1 minute read
Lumbermen will profit by recommending Long-Bell all California White Pine Doors to their trade. Here ire several outstanding points of merit for these doors which will aid you in making the sale:
All California White Pine.
Not a combination of woods.
Made of seleoted rnaterials by skilled men, under strict supervisioq and with frequerrt inspections in the process€s of manufacture.
Put together with straight-grained oak dowels and water-proof glue.
Will not check or split. Less liable to warp than doors of other woods.
Fewer coats of paint or e4grnel necessary; take paints and enamels with superior nesults.
Panels, all California White Plne, 3-8 inch, 3'ply laminated, rotary cut veneer.
Sanded and ready for finishing.
dtsy to fit, {tnd tohi[4$ r, Qrd tomottlse for locks @ triqges^,silvres 25 b SOf per dooi of cqrpq$eDb tlme