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Alvin C. Harner
Shingle Men Elated
(Continued from Page 5) gram urged the single men to strengthen their-organizaiions so ihat their industry may be protected and the market for their products advanced.
Next to the Californi'a situation, the principal interest was aroused over the newly iorm,ed activity of staining shingles ai the mill. J. J. Starks, manufacturer of a high.lf successful shingle staining machine several complete units of which now are being installed at various inriportant mills of the Northwest; and J. S. Williams, formerly secretary of the Shingle Association and now the head of the Williams Stained' Shingle Co. at Vancduver, Wash., explained the way the staining process works; what it costs; what colors of stain can be, and should be, used; what new markets are opened through the sale of stained shingles, and nu.merous other d,etails.
The meetings grew very enthusiastic and optimistic over the stained shingle idea and the endorse'ment from shingle men present was practically unanim,ous.
Reports by the officers of the associations, showed that despite the hostile le'gislation enacted and threatened, not only in California but in ,a sc'ore of other states and cities,, the industry has enjoyed a normal volume ,of business and reasonable prosperity.
ilt was generally conceded that th'e decisive action of the voters in California would have a wholesome effect toward offsetting prospective similar legislation in other qu,arters.
M,ajor Everett G. Griggs, pr'esident of the St. Piaul & Tacoma Lumber -Cornpany of Tacoma, and past snark of the un.iverse of Hoo-Hoo, was the presiding officer at Thursday's sessions, and J. A. Edgecumb,-'head of the Edgecumb-Newham Companv, of \/anc'ouver, B. C., one of the biggest shingle m,anufacturing and, d,istributing concerns in British Columbia, presided at Friday's meetings.
At the annual election of offibers, E. E. Case of the
Case Shingle & Lumber Co. of Raymond, Wash., was reelected president of the Shingle Branch ofi'the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and Paul Smith of the J. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co. of Seattle, vice-president.
N. R. Jamison, 'president of the Jamison Lunaber & Shingle Co. of Ever,ett, Wash., was re-elected president of the Rite Grade Association, comprising the mills that'manufacture trnder the Rite Grade trad'e'mark.
A monster Hoo-Hoo concatenation characterizeil the first night of the convention and a brilliant banquet hnd dinner dance brought the gathering to 4 happy conclusion last night.
The many fri,ends of Mrs. A. M. Qonner, wife of Fred Conner of the Sacramento Lumber Company, are glad to hear that she has recovered from her serious illness.
Red Cedar
When you thinh of Shingles thinh of US
Wc apecialize in rhingler and can make quick rhipment-car or cargo-from our own millr. Watch our weekly quotation rheetr for pricer. Northcrn California orden ehould go to Seattle. Southern California and Arizona to Lor Angelee Office.