1 minute read
These Woods Create tnthusiasm
What lumberman or user of lumber is there who does not feel a keen sense of admiration when he sees, examines and weighs in his own hands a piece of wood of unrivalled bright surface,lightweight, soft texture, clear face andperfe& manufa&ure?
Here are woods-California Sugar and White Pine-which never fail to produce that sense in the mind of every one concerned in lumber or its uses, who has an opportunity to see and handle them. For these species indeed possess each of these admirable qualities to the utmost degree.
not only supply such stock in a complete variety of standard items, but they embody as well, the finest mountain grown timber and an excellence in manufa&urewhich such timber deserves.
Flere, then, is a source of supply for finish, wide finish,mouldings, etc., which will not only . enhance your own stock, but which, too, will serve as a profitable aid in attradting and holding desirable business.
D. H. SrnrNuErz, Jn., Losot{ngeles Eales Manager
Title Insurance Building . Los Angeles, California