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State Association Seeks to Secure Reinspection System
At a meeting of the Directors of ther California Retail Lum,bermen's Association at the association's headquarters in San Francisco on Satu.rday, December 9, plans were formulated for a Committee of the Association to meet with representatives of the West- Coast Lumbermbn's Association to discuss the matter of reinspection of lumber under grad'e.
They report that tlrey are now carrying -on a mail cdmr paign ior new memb'ers and are meeting with excellent re' sults. The Directors voted to hold the next meetin.g in Fresno on January 20 at the Hughes Hotel.
Strable Hardwood Go.
The following directors were present at the meeting: C. G. Bird, Stoikton; George H.-Cardifi, Santa Cruz;-M' L. Doane, San Jose; J. C. F..ger, Fresno; A. E.-Fickling, Long Beach; M. A. llarris, San Francisco; Sam Hayward, Los-Angeles; R. A. lliscox, San Francisco; Elmore.King, Bakersfi-eld: W. E. Landram, M'erced; George Meissner, Lodi; A. M. S. Pearce, Oakland, and H. S. Thomson, San Francisco. C. W. Pinkerton of Whittier, presid'ent of the association, presided.
Robert C.'Parker, Manager of the Portland O'ffice of the E. K. Wood Lumber .Co., has arrived in San 'Franclsco and expect{ to spend the next six weeks making a survey of lumber conditions in California. He will accornpany Allen Turner, their Northern California representative, over his territory and he also contemplates spending several days in thd lo5 Angeles section before 'his return north. He will spend the holidays with his folks who reside on Lake Shore Highlands.
Mr. Parker reports conditions in the northi good; he says that they have not much difficulty in placing business for water shipmen,ts but the mills are very reluctant about booking much business lor rail delivery owing to'the car shortagl. He states th'at the car supply around Seattle and Tacoma is fair but around Bellingham, where one'of their large mills is located, equipment is very scarce.
Horvever, the railroads h'ave promised them some relief soon and they are looking forward to better car supply.
While he is in California, Max Smith. his assistant manager, will look a{ter the affairs of their Portl'and office.
Charles H. Jones, principal owner of the N,orthwestern Lumber Co. at Hoquiam, Wash., and one of the best known lumbermen on the Pacific Coast, d'ied at Tacoma a few days ago, aged 77 years. He formerly was an_active_ partner in tfre W. H. Perry Lumber Co. and the Consolidated Lumber Co. in l-os Angeles.