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Hipolito Screen 3l$ Co. White Brothers Urge Homeowners to Use More Hardwood
,An eloquent and fo.rceful appeal for h,ome builders to use hardwood in finishing their homes is contained in the publicity work being,done by White Brothe,rs, well-known San Francisco hardwood distributors.
"Finishing a home in a hurry of.-whatever m'aterial may be cheapes,t is a mistake to which many of our gingerbread houses bear wtitness," says the latest piece of literature 'issued by this enterprisins firnt.
"'Ihe wise investor in looking ,over the field will find that for very little over the cost of painted or stained woodwor.k he can have genuine hardwood inside finish in his home-door and window fram,es, wainsco,ting, mantel, etc.
"A fine Oak staircase, Mahogany French doors or a Gum or Ko4 wainscoting rvill glve an air of luxury and refinement to any house and also help very much toward furnishing it.
"The hardwood besides being far more beautiful and lasting than softwood needs no painting, but is easily finished with a varnish ; and for soft effects the varnish can be rubbed. This finish applied ,in the berginning las'ts in- definitely and as hardwood improves with age, the house keeps iti value frorq year to year and commands a good price when placed on the market.
"Hardwood floors have come to be a. necessity in evi:ry well built house. A touch of hardwood woodw'ork completes the high class finish and puts the whole house in a distinctly higher class."
Split Redwood Operators Organize
An association of the manufacturers of split redw'ood products was formed at a meeting of somq of the principal operators recently held at Eureka. A market exten.sion carnpaign will be undertaken and other mutual interests will be promoted. L. C. Morgan of F,ortuna is the president.
Russum Reports Valley Business Good
O. L. Russum of Stocktop, representative of Charles R. McCorm,ick & Co., in'the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, spent several daus recently on business at the company's San F.rancisco office. Mr. Russum reports business conditions in his territory as exceedingly good.