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Heretofore piano-makers have had to keep wood for .a period of teq Jears or more befgre they could convert rit into piano frames, and in the building,trade, timber of'ten re-ai.rs in the yard for several years before it is deemed suitable for the manufacture of any article where the slightest bit of warping would d'efeat the ends for which It WaS m,aoe.
This delay has been for the purpose of allowing tthe sap in the wood to exhaust itself, and the holding up oi laige stacks 'of tinaber in this u'ay has of course p,roved tirelo,mle and expensi'i'e. TrLle, some have attempted to overcome the difficulty by dehydrating or drying the 'timber in especially constructed ovens. Now a French scientist, M. Otto, has discovered that all kinds o{ wood' can be seasoned rapidly and efficiently by merans of ozone.
He has established a ,factory in Paris, and another 'in Milan, Italy, where various species of wood are being trea'ted by the new pr'ocess. In two weeks fr'eshly cut tim,ber is ready for the cabinet-maker and is said to be as dry as if it had been exposed to the air' for years. The timber is laid in specially-bu,ilt chambers through which the ozone-air highly charged with certain electrical qualities-is made to pass at a uniiorm heat.