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Southern California Committee Makes Little Money Do Much Work
When it comes to efficiency and making a little money go a long ways, the Southern California Committee in charge ot.ttre antishingle fight will com.e mirghty near taking firit pfLze,
Everyone in Southern Cali'fornia is f,amiliar with the wonderfully ,effective wor:k perfo.rmed by this committee and when you contemplate that they did it a1l with, the expenditure of less than $i650 their achievernents r€ally are noth'ing short of remarkable.
In the first place m,ore than half of their funds were expended in advertisements in the Los Angeles daily papersand d,aily 'paper advertising costs real rr{oney these days. But they managed to secure good position in all the papers and said wrhat they had to sav in few words, well chosen. thus getting their message across.
Tha{ left them in the neighborhood of $750 for overhead and to pay for all the display advertising with which they pl,astered the southern part of the state for the week or ten days immled,iately preceding tl.re election.
Through tl.re elTorts of their publicity department they secured valuable space in the news columns without cost and had the editorial support of the leading papers in Los Angeles.
The committee l-ras mailed out a statement of .its receipts and expenditures showing $1658 received from all sour,ces, inclucling $750 from the state commi,ttee at San Francisco; ancl the disbursernient of $1649.31. The balance of $8.69 was given to the Orthopedic hospital fund.
The members of this praiseworthy comrqittee are: B. W. Bookstaver, McCullough-Fagan Lum,ber Co.; Fred (iolding, Fred Golding Lum,ber Co., and J. A. Thomas, Coos Bay Lumber Co.
Air Drying Tests Satisfactory
J. B. Studley, who has been supervising the field work in the Redwood Air Drying experiments at ,the Union and Albion Lumber Company plants for the U. S. Forest Service has retnrned to Madison, Wisconsin. He states that the experiments at the m,ills have been satisfactory and ,that work on the Redwood and Pine air drying experiments will be ,continued in the spring.
Our plans are made by high class architects and are creations-not copies.
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Real Modern Merchandising is not supplying an existing demand but in creating new markets for your goods.
The actual photo of a beautiful home is definite and appealing and creates the idea and the desire.
Our high class business standards are assurance that you will get value received.