1 minute read
Plan Books o Red Vdue' Special Ho
In order to largely introduce ourplan service toi next thirty days only, our two new plan book albums',l These albums each contain 25 photoe and 25 fl of one story, three, four, five and six rooms, of distinc can be built at a most reasonable cost.
Our offer on these two beoutiful albums is: 5t
With your name embossed on each of the album position.
In addition, for the next lhirty days only, we will G sending us orders for these two special albums, our be and foor plans of attractive California homes, many of in the Southern Pine Association's plan book "Modern We will furnish complete setE of blue prints for cash with order. Send us your Orders.
HE PLAN BOOK SERVICE that REPEATS. Our ven of our new albums as soon as readv for distribution. sults. This service was originated by us to foster and build idea of, and desire for, modern homes built entirely of wocil not copies. No expense has been spared to make them the erperienced and practical lumberman, who is interested m
I'ROIII E. P. IIUNTER of Waco, Texas.-We have just received the new phobo albums and blue-prints that you made up for all our yards. This is the only plan book proposition on the market that we have seen which !s strictly a retail lumber dealer's proDo- sition, because the houses are built entirely of wood from top to bottom, the designs of the interior are arranged artistically, having been drawn by one ot the best architects in the State, and the blue Drints a,re absolutely correct in every degail and offer to the lumber dealer the privilege of substituting most any kind of a door or windorv that he may have in stock. These plans are suited for people who are not building handsome homes and who will not engage the services of an architect and will enable th€ lumber dealer to sell the home and dictate to th€ contractor rather Lhan have the contractor sell the home and dictate to the lumber dealer as he is now doing.
'We have ha(l considerable experience in the plan- book proposition, in fact, were the pioneers in the South on plan books, and we want to say that, yours, in comparison to others, is about the same as a PierceArrow to a Ford.
Yours very truly, WM. CAMERON & CO., INC., E. P. Ilunter, General Manager.