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Worth ffiMoney
i retail lumbermen of tfieWest Coast, we offer for the d. 19 and 21.
f' plans, of classy, cozy and comfortable modern homes I exterior designs and attractive interior arrangement that gold letters, making them an individual high'class proABSOLUTELY FREE to t{re first one hundred dealers plan book album No. 14, which contains 25 photos ire the achral photos of the beautiful homes shown ,, ofi the homes shown in these. albums at $1.50 per set, customers are still our very best ones and are still buying each can be only one ansv/er and that is: Our plan books get re' lumber industry and help the building merchants to create the r plans are made by high-class architects and are creations, practical ever offered to the trade, from the standpoint of an y in the progress of the lumber industry.
$25.00. Chech with Order.