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or Your Money Back" .LIATASON
These Albums are bound in attractive stifi coverg 12 l'4 x 5 5'8 inches in size and your name is embossed on them in Gold Let' teis, making them an individual high class proposition.
We furnish the plan service for dealers distributed by the LongBell Lumber Co.
'We furnished the plans for the Southern Pine plan book 'Mod' ern Homes' of which 190,000 have been distributed to Lumber dealers.
We furnish the plan service for a large line yard, that has built fully 3000 homes from our plans.
Real servicb is the delivery of the goods and our plan service is the service that repeats for our verY first customers are still our very best customers and are buying each of our new plan books as soon as they are ready for delivery.
FROM JACK DIONNE, Publisher of The California Lumber Merchant-(Extracts from a letter Lo one of his many friends.)
I am glad to recommend both Mr. 'Williamson ancl his plan books to the utmost of my ability, and feel safe in saying to any dealer who inquires that they can pin their faith in him and his representations, and I will endorse any statement he may make.
Mr.'williamson is a life-long lumberman. IIe is a man of means. The plan book business is purely a side-line with him, but he is giving it all his attention because he thinks. and thinks correctly, that the lumber industry needs the sort of asslstance he is furnishing:. His pl&ns are absolutely correct and d.ependable, the best a,rchitects in Texas do his work for him, antl he is working all the time to help INCREASE THE USE OF LUMBER.
Co-operating with Bob 'Williamson in his present work is like makin8 love to a widow-YOu CAN'T POSSIBLY OVERDO IT. I bespeak for him your most f rienally consideration. Your friend, JACK DIONNE.