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How Lumber Looks
Almoat the rame rtor) as of hro weekr agor conc€ndng the wholeeale rnarket. The 6rrt of this month formd thing! pretty rlow in rales on practicdly dl itemr, and while in rome lines of coruce there ir a brishtening, the generd market report could be rumrned up irr a few wordr. She ir rtill weak
The harbor at San Pedro wer full and runnins over two weekc ago, and we heve it on good authority that the rtockr that were piled up down therq bave been thined ort conriderably; that the largeet portion of the derirable speci' ficationc have been rold. Thir putr a much better face on the matter of courre, and another pertinent factor ir the report fron quite a few of the mill reprelcntativee that they have been receiving a good number of inquirler in the lact few dayr, rome cutting and rorne randorn lndicating that the unrold rtockr are getring low.
There has been no verification of the rumor that thene would be a tie up of a large number of lumber carrierr, by concerted action of the bmt ownerc and operatorc. There are a number of rchooner! tton the mudrtt ar far ar can be lcarned, the carrying capacity of there would be about twenty rnillion feet.
Reportr from the mills indicate a rlowing up in ttre rail burinea, t{re ucual rlacknere for thir time of the year, in eurten and middle we*ern burineu, and that their rtockr are very low, lower in fact than for rome time part, as a rerult of the abnormal arnount of cargo shipments made during Ocober and November.
Shingler remain wea\ l,ath are off trrcoty-five centr in the part two weekr, and other itemr are being quoted at prac' tically the rame pricer that havc prevailed rince December 1rt.
1923 will go down ar the year of the heavielt rhipments in Southern Cdifornia.
Mr. Henry Riddiford, of the Lumberrnen'r Exchange' Loc Angeler, rtatea that in the fint si: montts of thir year, this *ate bowht better than forty per cent of the entire cargo movement frorn tte northwect. Precent indicationr are that the year'l total will be right around one billion nine hundred thourand feet of lumber into the Southem Cdifornia rnarket alone.
The fir mills last report, from West Coart Lumberments Arociation rhorm a weektr cut of 105,00O'0OO fee6 and ralee of IO2,OO0,O0O. Thir is a losr in cales of but four million feet. The membere of thir anociation report unfilled rail orders for 35(X) cars.
The California Redwood ^Arociation member millr report for a week'r period shows ealer of 5r0O0'00O feet and a cut of 1O million. The totalr compare favorably with the week previous. Up to December lrt, ttere millr ehow sder of 9lflo of their normal production, and ttey have ehipped 95Vo of ttat amorurt.
The Southern Pine Arociation report for the part week showr a cut of 7510001000 feet and their salet total the came anrount. This ir a conriderable gain over the week before, both in raler and production.