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G. H. Brown, prcridcnt of thc Strable Hardwood Conpeuy, of Oakland wer born in Ncw YorL City forty-lcvcn y6rrt r8o. Hc received hir firrt erpcricncc in thc harndwood burincl in Michigan, end prior to hir coming to Crliforrrir, hc war office mrnager end purcharing rgent for thc Strablc Hardwood Company of Segiuaw, Michigan.
, Scvcntccn ycrr. ago, hc rtertcd in thc hardwood lunbcr burincrr in Oekland. Mr. Brown taLer grcat pridc in the fact that hc rterted in buriner with onc cerloed of Birch lumbcr in rtocl, on the very rpot whcrc. hir lrrgc opcretionr .rc now locatcd. Hc built hir burincr on thc "Goldcn Rulc' rnd har Lad thir fundancntel principle in rnind evcr rince hc rbrtcd in buriner. Today, the Strablc Hardwood Compeay ir onc of the largcet diatributon of importcd end donotic herdwoodr on thc Pacific Coart.
Mr. Brown ir a highly reapcctcd citizen in thc Eart Bay Dirtrict aud her alwayr teken an ectivc prrt in thc civic afreirr of OaLlrnd. Hc ir e ncmbcr of thc Meronr, Roterirnr, Athcu Athletic Club, Athcnirn Nilc Club, Chrnbcr of Conmcrcc, erd takcr ra rctivc prrt in Boy Scout WorL.
Hc her jurt reccntly takcn up golf but hopa to bc rblrr to meLc thc cour.G in 65 by acrt July.