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wH:o" ,i;A"iieu) roofing beau,ty \ long awaited by architeCts
I\ IEVER before, in a slate surI \ faced shingle, has such beauty in roofing been available! A hitherto unknown color in slate, weathered brown, has recently been discovered in the Richardson quarries of Georgia.
Architects have been quick to recognize the rare distinctiveness of this new color, especially when it is blended with other Richardson shingles of j ade green, i tile red,orblackpearl.Withitthey I aregivingtothemod. ernhomeanewbeau-' ; ty-and, best of all, i .a beauty that lasts!
" -''frrGiiie cdriiii,irr" i bring you new cus- i tomers-many who i 'hitherto ,would not j consider a slate-sur- ' faced shingle fortheir i roof.
A super-shingle
Weathered brown is
SuperGiant used exclusivelyon the Richardson Super-Giant Shingle-a unique roofing product which, in addition to its beauty, offersyou an unusual degree of roofing serviceability. Fore&lmple, itsgreater size (10" x 14') saves 35l, in cgst of laying. lts 5O/ogreater thickness makes it last much longer, and casts a deeper shadow line ontheroof. And its lW/sgreater stiffness keeps it rigid in all kinds of weather.and makes the whole roof twice as firm.
Moreover, its inner materials, felt and -asphalt, give.cqnclusiveevidenceofitsensto;do?d durance. Richardson shr".rhfsll, asyou know, has
Th2 Srpa-Gidnt ShinelFs0Vo thicha; 1007o mmc igid, and 357o morc ccotpmical in cosl oJ latling forthelast fiftyyears been recognized as thebest. Andtheasphalt which goes into it is of the highest grade raw naterials refinedexclusivelyby an improved Richardson process.
Prow the facts yourseu
A super-shingle indeed,when you weigh its points one by one ! First -absolutely exclusive color effects. Second-unusual dimen. sions which give added life to the roof at 2{ less in cost of laying. And finally-exceptionally high test standards in its materials. These definite talking points*€specially the exclusive cplor effects-will strongly appeal to your tustomers. And, of course, Richardson SuperGiants are equally good for new or "over the old roof" jobs.
. Send for,our.$eautiful ne.w trooklet, R o oJs ol D isl in c tion, together with samples of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles in weathzred brown and other colors. For every roofing use there is a Richardson product-from Lok-Top Asphalt Shingles to Rubbertex Roll Roofing with Pyramid Kaps. Just use the coupon below.
Lockland (Cincinnati) Ohio
Melros Park (Chicago) IU. New Orleara, Ia.
Mail this couport
Thc Richardmn Company
Dept.45-H l,ockland, Ohio
G€ntlemen-: Please aend me samolc! of Richardsr SuocrGiant Shingleg, your ndw booklet and furthcr factr about Richardron Roofing.