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\[r. M. Cady Lumber Co. Buys Big Mill and White Pine Tract in Arizona
.,:i i Houston, Texas, Dec. S.-The most important mill ahd :'inew company, and already actively in the harness in Aritimber deal in some time has just *begn :cOfisurfihrated by.',zona. i r . ' ,dgntof thecomp?fl],,whowillremainthereuntilthelast
The W. M. Cady Lumber Conipa6y,i6l McNary^'I-r., fL ' Mr. Adey.has been with Mr. Cady since he started the rhous manufacturers of Southerp Pjnd'lurirbei'and timbers. two big mt$ri bt McNary, La., thirteen years ago, and hap ,rTtrey have purchased a gr.df white'pine opiration at,...worked up,ftoin'tte position of assistani in thelales office, Cooley,Ariz.,togetherwithIf500,@,000feet.of whitepftre -rto Assistant:Geqetat_.,Jvlanager. His advancement to Gentimber. The mill is that of The Apaihe Lumber Company, ';eral Manager,.ofth-e woqderful nerv property is a well deai Cooley, Ariz., and,the timber is owned by the United": served prirmotiori fof:..i,tnan of splendid ability. States Government and is trarlsfefred in the shape of ,a The groduct of thElplantrit Cooley is soft, high grade cutting contract givoi the Aizona concern by tfie Gov- whiterpiae, and ranfgJ high arnong the softest ind finest erntnent, and now transferred with official permission to'the ' white'pine growing tin the continent.
W.' M. Cady Lumber Company.' The purchase also ihr. The big plant at McNary, La., which has been making cludes a railroad 72 mitei long running from Holbrook, lumber history for thitteen years, will be cut out in a few Ariz., to Cooley where the mill is located, together with a more mbnths, and will then blow its whistle for the last tt*p191e^l^o^SSing equiprnent. The consideration in:the deal tjme,' It_is now in charge of Mr. B. F. Smith, Vice Pres!- iS:$3,000,000.
The sawmill plant is oti€ of the finest in the entire'coun-' log is cut. W. M. Cqdy built that great institution thirtry, just completed two,years a$o, and ls coriiposed of:thrgg teen years ago, and conilucted one oI the most successfdl electrically driven Filer & Stowell, band mills, togethir lumbering operations in the whole history of the South. with every sort of modern equipment for the handling of It was unique inasrnuch as it immediately adopted a policy the logs, and for the drying, dressing, loading, andgeneral ',that had never bi:en,used before, that of cutting long leaf haudling of the lurnber, all electrically driven. tiui,lrer into- thick lumber, ties, and timbers to the greatest fhe mill at the plppqnt time cuts about 175,000 feet of bxtent that the logs would allow, cutting no inch lumbel luriber on a singli i6ift, and The W. M. Cady Lumber' except what the tirrn of the log forced -them to cut, and Company will immediately equip it for night and day oper- grading nothing higher than Number One stock, all the ation, giving them an annual product of about 125,000,000 "uppers" going into their common lumber. This permitted feet of lumber. ! cut at great sped, and they equipped their mills accordinS
'They are going to change the name of the fuwn as soon to this plan, using circular and gangs only. They built two as possible, and the operation will be condircted under the big mills side by side, one r"r'ith two big circulars and a spme old name of The W. M. Cady ,Lumber Company, heavy gang, and the other with one big circular and gang. although it is understood, that a new corporation will be Cutting only two inch and thicker stock these mills estabchartered under the Arizona laws tq handle it. lished records for production, and made money through the , The new owners took charge of the plant on December worst times the Southern Pine business knew. first. On that date W. M. Cady, Herbert F. Adey, and They devised the slogan, "The Best of the Log for the Sam M. Eaton were at Cooley to take over the property. Best of Dimension,"-a1d made it famous. They went on Mr; Cady has named Herbert F. Adey as General Manager the theory that the much greater speed of their production, of the new properties, and Sam M.'Eaton, who has been coupled with the fact that in cutting timbers they are enSbles Manager at McNary, La., is Sales Manager of the abled to "box in" many defects that would develop, were
B. '\ry'. Byrne Returns from Northern
Mr. B. W. Byrne, Secretary of the Western Hardwood Lulnber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a tenday trip to the northern part of the state, where he managed to take in many of the sights and events.
' Mr. Byrne attended the joint Rotary mseting held by the San Francisco and Los Angeles chapters, and after transacting businesF in the Bat District, he journeyed to Sonora and Merced Falls where he visited some of the mills.
He made the trip by automobile, and was accompanied !y Mrs. Byrne. B. W. Byrne, is popularly known in Los A.pgeles as "Bobbie," his correct name, however, is not the. same as the other famous Scotchman, but happens to be Bayard.
the logs cut into inch stock, more than atoned for the loss of the "upper" grade of lumber. Their stock has always been famous for its quality, they gave splendid service in production and shipment, and have played an entir"ely dominating part in the Southern Pine drama in the Southwest since they started.
. It is understood that Mr. W. M. Cady rvill make his home in Southern California from now on. S. M. Eaton has already visited Los Angeles on a selling mission, and much of their stock will be sold in California.
Mr. R. P. Holmes, formerly a sales executive with the Consol'idated Lumber Company, at Wilmington, has taken the position as general manager of the Pelton & Levee retail yard located on 'West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles.
Mr. Holmes is, a lumberman with many years of experience, both in the retail and wholesale ends of the game. Pelton & Levee operate several yards in Los Angeles, and'are also jobbers of other lines of burilding materials.