1 minute read
When Milady A-shopping Goes
Does she stop at YOUR office Mr. Lumberman?
Or have you still a place of business where Milady is about as likely to go shopping, as she is to a blacksmith ahop?
Aren't you ever, ever, ever, in your ur-{role life, going to scriously consider what it means to YOUR business, to be entirely unknown on Milady's shopping list?
She picks up her,magazine, every page directed toward making Milady WANT something. She reads of new and wondrous things that appeal particularly to HER*and to cvery oth.gr HER in the feminine world-and DOWN THEY GO on hir shbpping list.
And Milady's rn'agazines are giving much space, and devoting much intelligent effort to showing Milady how lwonderfully her horne may be improved by this, that, and the other, in the line.of new and modern home im,provefirents.
Do THOSE suggestions go down on Milady's shopping list? NEVER. They go down on her list of REGRETS .r*$qsat6. she wouldn't know where to go to get them to save her life.
The argument may cotne that there are always competent architects that she may call upon when she wants home changes, and home improvements, and that argument only proves our case.
Milady is never going to indulga in the seasonal hqne changes in which she becomes interested, until she c.en go SHOPPING for them, and find some MERCHANT vho bas them. for sale, and to wtrom the selling of beautiful IDEAS is a business, and a pleasure.
And quick comes the replv,-"How can we afiord to open a store, with store rental, and store expense ?"
Heaven keep this laughter frorn our lips t
Every Dago that ran rustle ,up a :twenty dollar bundli of greasy dollar Williams ca.n,-get a corner.on the best street of your town with HIS little shop,iyet the HOME BUILDERS of the p.ation, want to know how they can afiord to come in out.of the mud.
Figure it for yourselves-but remember-GET READY TO BE ON THE LISI' WHEN MILADY GOES ASHOPPING.