1 minute read
Wonderful Pictures of Shingle Homes
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, if you are interested in beautiful home pictures and plans, write the Shingle Manufacturers' Association of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., and secure fri m them a copy of their big and beautiful new album entitled "Shingle Suggestions in Home Building." Nothing lovlier in the shape of home pictures has ever been compiled.
It contains !)6 pages, every page of interest, is printed on the heaviest of book paper, and bound most attractively in blue-grey heavy cover stock, printed in grey. It looks grand, and it IS.
ft contain.s seventy-one pictures of actual homes covered with shingles, many of the most beautiful homes eve.r seen or dreamed of. In addition there is all sorts ,of infonmation concerning shingle roofs, particirlarly pages of plans in detail, shor,r'ing exactly how to build a thatched shingle roof. Every lumber dealer will'be interested in that department of the book. There is a lot of terse, interesting, illustrated information concerning shingles, in addition to these wonderful pictures and plans.
It is issued by the British Columbia association as a part of their wonderful campaign to "sell" B. C. Edge-grain Red Cedar Shingles to the American builders.
The wonderful book of shingled homes, to'gether with plans for same, charts for building thatched shingle roofs, and worl,ds of attractive and useful shingle information, called "Shingle Suggestions in Home Building," now being distributed by The Shingle Manufacturers' Association of British Columbia, is ready for lumber dealer use, and the Associati,on requests that we announce that a copy of the book may be had free of charge by every lumber dealer who will ask for it. Address the Association, Metropolitan Building, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Forgie Goes North
Robert Forgie, well known wholesaler of Los Angeles, left there on December 5th, for a several weeks trip thrbugh the northwest. lle rvent up by rail, and intends visiting several of the mills at Seattle and Portland.
Clark Shows Them How To Travel
H. C. Clark, Los Angeles representative of The BoothKelly Lumber Company, with Mrs. Clark, spent Thanksgiving with friends and relatives in Sacramento, where he has handled business of his Company for many vears.i He drove both ways at night, in his-new speedy ioidster, ancl while he won't talk for publication, lest the cops get after him, it is understood he hung up a record. He admits no machine passed him going or coming.