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Western Lumbermen's Ass'n Meet to be Larsest in History
A. L. PORTER, Sccy.
Next February, from the 18th to the 23rd, inclusive, Los Angeles will be invaded by the largest delegation of lumbermen from other states. that has ever visited this fair city.
On those dates, the Western Retail Lumbermens' Association will hold, its 21st Annual Institute, at the new Biltmore Hotel, and from all indications and predictions, the affair will be one to be long remembered.
Mr. A. L. Porter, of Spokane, the Secretary-Treasurer of this organization, made a trip to Los Angeles in November and started the ball rolling on the arrangements. A committee of Los Angeles lumbermen, composed of the following named gentlernen are working on the entertainment arrangements that will provide for a multitude of diversions for the visitors :
Mt.J. C. Owens, Owens Parks Lumber Co.
Mr. David Woodhead, Woodhead Lumber Co.
Mr. H. L. Rosenberg, Hipolito Screen & Sash Co.
Mr. C. J. Laqghlin, Long Bell Lumber Co.
Mr. E. D. Tennant, Los Angeles District Lumbermens' Club.
Mr. F. A. Dernier, Lumbermens' Service Association.
Mr. Curtis Williams, Los Angeles wholesaler.
Each week ,a meeting is being held by this committee, and so far arrangements have been made, first for a monster Hoo-Hoo Concatenation, to be held probably on Tuesday night, of the week of the Institute. Mr. H. L. Rosenberg, Snark of the Los An,geles District will be in charge of the arrangements for this afrair, and he promises the largest class of Kittens that has ever been taken into the order at one time. Hoo".Hoo is very strong'in Southern California. On Friday night, grand ball will be held in the,main ball room of the Biltmore. This will be open to all lumberdom, and guests, an'dl the registrati,on fee that will be paid by all delegates attending the Convention, will cover the co,st of this affair which includes a banquet also.
Saturday morning all the visitors will be taken in autornobiles for a hundred, mile tour through Los Angeles, and the beach towns, winding up at one or tw,o of the larger picture studios, where they will be shown the working of a movie company, and will probably be introduced to some of the stars.
A theatre party is being arranged for the ladies, on the night of the Hoo-Hoo Concatenation. Details of this affair have not been completed as yet.
The committee is financing the entertainment by sub- scription from the various wholesale and {4ail concerns in Los Angeles County. Subscriptions have also been received from companies in other lines of business, closely associated with the lu'mber business. The publicity has been placed in the capable hands of Mr. Porter who is working with his many lieutenants to spread ths word among the ten states that contain me'mbers of the body.
The Western Retail Lum'bermens' Association is com- posed of about sixteen hundred retail lumbermen in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, lJtah and California.
It is predicted that at least six hundred mem,bers, with their wives an'd, guests will attend this coming Annual,'and that in all there will be over twenty-five hundred at the meetings.
The order of business for the Institute has not been decided upon, this will be worked out by Mr. fiorter, asSisted by his Los Angeles field man, Mr. M. H. McCall, and will be announced in the January 15th issue.
The present officers of the \Mestern Retail Lumbermens' Association are:
O. A. Spear, President .....Provo, Utah
C. H. Crawford, Vice-President..Walla Walla, Wash.
A. L. Porter, Secretary-Treasurer....Spokane, Wash.
Jos. Copeland, (1924) Portland, Oregon
A. Maccuaig, (1924) ...Spokane, Wash.
W. E. Landram, (1925) Merced, Calif.
C. B. Channel, (1925) Twin Falls, Idaho
W. C. Miller, (1926) .....Seattle, Wash.
C. J. Baldwin (1926) ....:. ....Bridger, Mont.
H. W. Culbertson, (1926) Salt Lake City, Utah
Special Departrnents
Mutual Insurance Department. ...Secretary in Charge
Traffic Department .....Roy Brown in Charge
Field Missionary
M. H. McCall
Los Angeles, Calif.
Inquiries concerning reservations, etc., shoultl be sent either to Mr. A. L. Porter, Columbia Building, Spokane, or Mr. tM. H. McCall, Lane Mortgage Building, Los Angeles.