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C. FI. Moody Elected President of Lumber Salesmen's Club of S. F.
gether with the assistance of Ward Brown, had charge of the arrangements for this delightful affair.
After the election of officers, Richard C. Jones, introduced the new President C. H. Moody, who expressed his thanks to the club for election to his new office and in an excellent talk outlined the club plans for the ensuing year. Mel Salomon and J. E. Martin were also called on for a few remarks.
At the regular weekly luncheoq of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, hdld,;at the palace HotiL, on November 26, tde following officers were elected for ths en_ suing;ear: Chanles {.lvloody, President; Mel N. Salomon, Vi_ce-President, and J. E. Martin, Secretary and Treasurer.
In honor of the out-going officers, Richard C. T;;;r. President, .and Floyd Elliott, Secretary and Treasu"rer,-l special turkey dinner was served to ihe club satherino. Charles Moody, Hugh Handley, and Eddie B"rush. t3_
C. JONES, Retiring Prcridcnt
A vote of thanks was extended to Richard C. Iones and Floyd Elliott, the retiring officers, for the excellerit services that they gave the club during their term of office. Both Mr. Jones and Mr. Elliott held office since the club was organized two years ago, ancl the wonderful success of the organization has been largely due to their untiring efforts and hard work.
Charles H. Moody, better known as "Charlie," is a well known figure in the lumber circles of the Bay District. He is connected with the Sudden & Heitman Lumber Co. (formerly Christenson Lumber Co.) and has been with this large concern for the past seventeen years. Prior to that, he was connected rryith the I. R. Hanifv Co. "Charlie" takes a keen interest in the iffairs of club and will make an excellent President.
Melville ("Mel") N. Salomon, was reelected Vice-President for the third term, and has held this position since the club was organized. "Mel" is connected with the Acme Lumber Company, is very popular, and has done excellent lvork for the club. J. E. Martin, the new Secretary and Treasurer, is the San Francisco 4nd Northern California representative of "The California Lumber Merchant."