1 minute read
A Guide to Better Lumber Buying in 1924
Even Better Service in lg24l
Tacoma-.,The Lumber Capital ef [msdca"_ makes that promise to all buyers of Pacific Nothwest forest products. And Tacoma can, with the more thorough understanding of her own facilities which she has gained in her first year of organized effort.
Every buyer, or prospective buyer, of Pacific Northw-est lumber should have a copy of the de luxe book published by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club. This handsome and interesting book, beautif ully illustrated and filled with information based on facts, is a real guide to better lumber buying in 1924.
This book is too expensive for unsolicited distribution but rvill be sent with our compliments to any responsible inquirer. \\r. J. Nuss, of the W. J. Nuss Lumber & Supply Co., Fon du Lac, Wis., says of it: "We regard it as a book which every lumberman should feel proud to havc in his library."
For a copy of this book, or to have yor.rr specific inquiries rcach thc entirc lumber nranufacturins interests of Tacoma and Tacoma District.
This handsome Boo(describes iL
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