1 minute read
R. F. Pray and R. H. Browne
Organize Wholesale Lumber Co.
R. F. Pray and R. H. Browne, prominent'and well known sugar pine lumbermen, have em'barked in the wholesale lumber business an'd have organized the LUMBERMEN'S EXCHANGE, with offices at 25t5-25'7 First National Bank Building, San Francisco.
Mr. Pray was connected with the Red River Lumber Company, of Minneapolis, Minn., and Westwood, Calif., for thirty-one years; before coming to their Westwood plant, he was ,manager of their mill at Akeley, Minn., foi fourteen years, and on his arrival on the Pacifiq Coast he took over the management of their Westw,ood operatio,ns, which position he held for over ten years. About a year ago, he resigned as manager of Red, River Lumber Co. mill at Westwood, and became affiliated with the Hutchinson Lumber Co:,'o{ Oroville, Calif., with which concern he was connected until a few weeks ?go, when he decided to enter the wholesale lumber business with Mr. Browne. ,Mr. Pray is one of the'best known pine lumbermen in the United States. His experience has extended through all branches of the lumber business, including the marketing of large stocks, and he is thoroughly conversant with the needs of the lumber trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast, also he knows what the trade requires and the ability of the mills on the Pacific Coast to meet these requirements. Mr: Pray is first vice-president and a miembei of the finance com,mittee of the California Pine Box
Distributors Co., and is president of the Feather River Pine Association.
: Mr. Browne is also a practical lumberman and has been conneoted with the Red River Lumber Co. for over twenty years, during which period he has held various positio'ns of responsibility. Mr. Browne will act as the Southern California representative of the new c'oncern and will make his headquarters in Los Angeles.
The Lum'bermen's Exchange have made valuable connections with some of the largest Su,gar and White Pine mills on the Coast, and will also act as California representative of several large Oregon Pine producers of the Northwest. Mr. Pray advises that they are in position to furnish the trade anything they require 'made of wood; this includes Mouldings, Sash and Doors, Cut Stock, Box Shooks, and lumber in rough or worked to any pattern.
Frank L. Mulgrew Talks on the Berkely Shingle Ordinance
An article written recently by Mr. Frank L. Mulgrew, Publicity Manager for the California Redwood Association, contains an interesting discussion of the ac! of the Council of Berkeley, in passing the anti-woo'den shingle ordinance.
Mr. Mulgreutl in reviewing this case, points out the additional clauses of the new ordinance, which call for fire breaks, larger water mains and fire patr'ols in the hills, all of which would be sufficient, in his opinion, to prevent another calamity like this city suffered not long ago'