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Plans and Progress What Busy California Lumber Here and There Folks Are Talking About
Mr. S. C. Hooper, of the firm of Hooper & Smith, Los Angeles wholesalers, has been in Oregon for the past two weeks, visiting at the various mills.
Mr. Hooper made the trip by automobile, and was acco,mpanied by Mrs. Hooper. They will return to Los Angeles about the 18th of this month.
Mr. A. W. "'Bates" Sm,ith, of the firm, o'f Hooper & Smith. Los Angeles wholesalers, left Los Angeles o,n the 4th of this month for a several weeks sojour,n to various of the fir mills in Washington and Oregon. He will return after Christmas.
Service Getting Better
Maxwell & Wilkinson, the new wholesale co,ncern in Los Angeles, are rejoicing over the installation of a phone, and they want the wide, wide world to know that it is no longer necessary to send a messenger to their office.
Just call, 87G67, and you will get these boys, quick.
Creo-Dipt Company Sales Head Visits California
Mr. H. P. Kendall, Jr., sales manager for the Creo-Dipt loqrpany, Inc., of Noith Tonowandal N. y., was a visitor in California for several weeks, in November.
Mr. Kendall heads the sales activities of this immense corporation that is distributing their stained shingles over practically the entire country. They maintain staining plants at North Tonowanda, N. Y., Kansas Citv and Min-neapolis._ They also have offices at Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Det-roit.
This ,companv will handle about three hundred million shingles in 1923. The largest part of this vast amount will be shipped ,to ,the retailers of the country, stained, and a g.ood-'maj.ority of them will be all verticai grain, red cedar "Perfects" and better.The Creo-Dipt Comfany ships their shingles dry, mostly from British Columbia, ind do their staining at the. nearest transfer point. They break the bundles.at their plants, a,nd after their staining process, rebundle into the original packages, selling by tlie ,'square', in most cases. They use stains of their bwn manufacture.
'Mr. Kendall is making a six weeks' trip; he was in the Pacific Northwest for_some time, visitirig ma,ny of the shingle mills, and conferring with his wesiern manager.
He states that the- Creo-Dipt Company is the largest buyer of red cedar shingles, anywhere.
Cafifornia Pattern Hernlock Round Edge Rabitted Siding. Wbite 8!"o Qudrtv .Red Ceder Shingler, Ster A Star P€rfectr. Sanded Finirh and Factory Stock.