1 minute read
Change in the Hutchinson Lumber Company
Mr. John Laing, formerly of West Virginia, where he operated extensively in the coal and oil business, has been appointed President of the Hutchinson Lumber Company, succeeding Mr. R. L. Hutchinson.
Mr. A. H. Land, who has been managing operations of the company in California for some time, was elected VicePresident, under the new regime.
The Hutchinson Lumber Company was originally incorporated in California, in L9N, for $2,000,000.00, and has srnce then doubled its capitalization.
Thby are now turning out about 250,000 feet per day in their new plant, and figure on manufacturing a to'tal of 100 million feet for this season. This com,pany owns approximately two billion feet of fine timber,and employs one thousand men.
A letter received recently fro,m Mr. H. A. Lake, the proprietor of that live wire outfit at Garden Grove, known as the Garden Grove Lumber Colmipany, had, among other things, the following to say regarding the proposed amalgamation of the Southern California and Sta'te Retail Associations:
"I hope you have a good article soon about the advantage, of a state association, and particqlarly what it will benefit us to amalgamate the So'uthern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, with the State Association.
Note my advertisement, regarding being a member of the State Associatien.
H. A. LAKE."
Mr. Lake enclosed a copy of a very attractive and well arranged advertisement that was displayed recently in his local paper, the "News."
In the signature of the ad. he states that his company is a member of the State Lumber Dealers' Asse ciation.
fn another part of this issue you will find an article on this subject, by Mrs. Jessie Eggleston, secretary of that bodv.