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Los An geles Who lesale Firm Dissolves Partnership
j Hooper & Smith, a wholesalC company of long strnding :itr Los Angeles, have announced the diseolutioaolthcfub ipartnership, effective January lst, 192*. This iulornutfrm i*aS cmteincd in ra ronoitncgaeat that rrs ueiltd to tf,t trade, last week.
. Mr. S. C. Hooper, popularly known s *Cy,'rnd lf,t A W. Smith, callcd oBrtes" by his intirtltts, will tmh mntinue in the wholesale business in Los Augehs, rnd *ill no iloubt make individual announcements as to, thclr plaos" rwithin .the next few weeks.
Mr. Smith will open offiices at 3263U A. G. Bartlett ,Btrilding, and will operate under the name of the A. W. Smith Lu,mber Company. He will handle the account of the Northwestern Redwood Company, for Southern California and Arizona, and will alsol handle a general line of fir, for both cargo and rail shipments.
Mr. Hooper will retain the offices that the partnership has jhad for some time, in the Central Building.
{Mrs. Belford arrd Miss Larson, tlre efficient assistants of ,these two live lumbermen, will continue in their duties, iMiss Larson staying with Mr. Hooper, and Mrs. Belford ,,will move to the new offices with Mr. Sm'ith.