3 minute read
REDWOOD t/4n, Ruajrc, Bevel or Novelty Siding in an Ertra Mdichantable gradc hae proven to bc crpccially ratiefactory in many tcrritories vhcre.a CHEAPER SIDING ir requircdi It givce abcttcr appealancc on thc iob, har nrore rtrcngth and inrulating qualiticg than thinner stock and ir a wood that will inurre you a ycar or morc from now against complainta and diratieficd customcr!.
Thc longpr Rcdrood ie oa tlrc job tht rrore ite real valuc towa up. Wc wilt be glrd'to quote you.
M. C. Woodward Looks Over Crlifornir llilrrket ,
M. C. Woodild, vice'presiident rnd gcncrel mrnegt of thc Silvcr Fells: Tinrbtr Co., Silwltori, Orcgon, hlt, rehrmcd north efter e two-wcclsf busin*s trip tnddng. rur wy of lunbcr conditions ia Cdibrnir" Aftct cpcrding r ftw drys in the Bey District" hE lctt for Loe Angrhs, t'o cell on the Southcrn Catifomil tnde. Mn Woder,G rlro is a iootbdl mthusirst, rttGrdcd the Stenford-Californie game and was much imptcssed wilh thc ncw strdium at Bcrtttcy.
E. J. Dolf*,,p.*, REDWOOD
Lrnbcr, qpft grapcdakca pootr
Crrgo and Rll,,$rnmcntr
16 C,alitfornia St. +. San Fnncirco
Harduroods for Interior Finish
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar.

Sawmille, Marshfield, Oregon.
Distributing Plant, - Bay Point. Annud Roduction 2fl),0fi),flD Fect
Sacramento Building Shows Big Gain
i.1 i' "Figuies'ior i1 months' of tgZ3 show that building perlnits for Sacramento, this year will be approximately $1,000,000 rnere than those for 1922, which itself was a fecord year for building in this city. r,; Permits for 11" nonths this year total $9;092,005, as cornpared with $8,65I,504 for the entire year of. 1922.
j ,There was no meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo-Ifoo 9lu,b, on ThursdaS November 29th, this being Thanksgiving Day. Snark H. L. Rosenberg announced the can'celling of this meeting, and urged all members to be in their places on the following Thursday when they will be entertained by talent secured by the chairman of the day,. Mr. Milton Metzler.

Leroy Burns, of the McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., San Francisco, has left for Los Angeles to take charge of the new rail department that has been installed at their Los Angeles office. Owing to the rapid growth of the company's Southern California business, they have found it advisable to open this new department, so that B. W. Bookstaver, who formerly had charge of the company's Southern California operations, will be able to devote all his attention to the cargo operations. Mr. Burns is well known among'the California lumber trade and for the past several years has represented the l\{cCullough-Fagan Company in the San Joaquin Valley and Coast territory.
The Siskiyou Lu,mber Co., located at Jerome, California, announce that they are enlarging their mill and installing new machinery, which will materially increase their daily output. The Siskiyou Lumber Company are pine operators, and is operatedl under the management of R. T. Buzard, the well known California lttmberman.
Fine Bunch Of Kittens At Oroville Concat
Here is a list of the candidateS that had their into the mysteries of Hoo-Hoo Land, at the catenation at Oroville, after the meeting of the eyes opened recent Con-i Sacramento
Valley .Lumbernlens' Club ,meeting and visit to the Hutchl inson Lumber Companys plant. ",.
John Laing, Hutchinion Lurnber Co., Presiilent.
A. H. Lang, Hutchinson Lumber Co., Vice President.
J. G. Land, Hutchinson Lumber C,o.
C. C. Watts, Hutchinso'n Lumlber Co.
L. L. Green, Hutchinson Lu,mber Co.
R. C. Ramsey, Hut,chinson Lumber Co.
C. E. Matkin, Hutchinson Lumber Co.
Geo. West, Huichinson LumberCo.
W. A. Perry, Hutchinson, Lumber Co.
S. S. Crowley, Hutchinson Lumber Co.
W. H. Webber, Hutchinson Lumber Co.
R. H. Brown, Central Box & Lbr. ,Co., Alameda.
R. P. Hunter, Sterling l-um'ber Co., Oroville.
Chas. Schleff, Sw,aine Lum'ber Co., Oroville.
John Raine, Meadow River Lumber Co', Rainville, W. Va.
Roy Matheny, (ReinStatement) Number 30144.
Harry E. Morgan, superintendent and general manager of the Whitney Lumber Company, Garibaldi, Oregon', was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent several'days attending to business matters. While in San Francisco, he was a visitor at the oflices of N{cCullough-Fagan Lumber Company, to go over business matters with A. R. McCullough. The McCullough-Fagan Lumber Companv are the Whitney Lumber Company agents for California.
B. W. Bookstaver, of Los'Angeles, in charge of the Southern California operations of the McCullough-Fagan Lumber Company, has returned to Los Angeles after spending several days at the general offices of the company in San Francisco. While in the Bay District, he discussed business rnatters rvith Mr. A. R. McCullough.