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A Beautiful Display Redwood of
Showing a great many varied uac! of different gradea of rcdrcood, and combining a beauty of conatruction scldorn reen in an cxhibit of its kind, the tedwood diaplay booth recently inetallcd by the California Redwood AsEociation, at the Metropolitan Exhibit, in Log Angelea, haa attractcd much attcntion, and has undoubtcdly givcn thc dcsired idear on rcdwood, to the thousands of proapective home buildcrr that viait thic cxhibit.
Thir dirplay ir in thc shape of an 8:rl0 ft. room, with a heartJr timbered pergola. Thc outride wrille arc covered with hcary, eawn drakcr, and the roof of courue is made of clcan rcdwood ahinglce. Thc dccp ect window, with a flower bor adde to the attractiveness on the cxtcrior, and thc pcrgola ia covered with f,owering vinea
Inaidc, the walls arc paneled with differcnt width rcdwood panels, poliahed to a mirror-like finish. Thc windowr arc latticed with tiny, hand carved redwood epindlcq and with thc cxccption of the oak floor, thcic is no othcr wood urcd in thc cntirc Etructure, than redwood.
Comfortable chairr and a table furnich the booth,'thc table covercd with a variity of pamphletr conccrning thc ures of the "wood eternal."
Thir erhibit wae inrtallcd under the direction of Mr. R F. Hammatt, thc efficicnt accretary of thc California Redwood Aeeociation